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Forum >> News and Announcements >> MC2 2009 AWARDS

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Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 01:45pm

Best World Leader
Best Male
Best Female
Best Male Bunny
Best Female Bunny
Funniest Male
Funniest Female
Biggest Forum Whore
Prison Buster
Best Mugger
Most Hated Mobster
Most Loved Mobster
Best Non Payer
Worst Non Payer
Best Gang
Best Collector
Best Protector
Most Annoying Mobster
Best Banner Maker
Best Avatar
Best Page
Biggest Bully
Biggest Gambler
Most Helpful Player
Best Newcomer


1. You can only win 1 award.
Winner gets to chose which award they want if they win more then one. Runner up gets the one they don't want.

2. NO campaigning is allowed.
i.e. posting threads in the forums saying "vote me" or "vote for XXXXXX" or anything along those lines)

3. You CAN NOT send messages to other mobsters for nominations/votes.
i.e. You
CAN NOT message other mobsters asking them to vote for you.
4. You CAN NOT threaten anyone by warding or having them warded by someone else.
5. You CAN NOT nominate or vote for yourself
6. You CAN NOT vote more then once.
7. You MUST vote for 3 or more categories at a time.
i.e. You can't vote for best buster in one message then send another message voting for another category. Any messages containing a vote for just one category will be deleted and will
NOT be counted.

Anyone caught bribing, threatening, or asking other mobsters to vote for them OR their friends, will receive an immediate disqualification and will not be eligible to participate in future MC2 Awards. They will also be warded for a couple hours just for being a pain in the ass. :D

P.S. Please send all votes to either Flirts Obsession or Big Bear Bunny.

Thank you.

KaptaiN DoM


Post Count: 5
Respect: 223 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 01:48pm
:up nice rules

--Combat-- FOR SALE


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 01:49pm
lol once we click on your names you get a +1 lol

sneaky! :D :D

[Γ] Waluigi


Post Count: 1
Respect: 174 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 01:49pm
LoL i love this

They will also be warded for a couple hours just for being a pain in the ass.

[EB] Cardiac Arrest


Post Count: 0
Respect: 55 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 01:50pm
Nice one, I think we should have had best new comer as well to give the new people a chance of getting a nomination.

KaptaiN DoM


Post Count: 5
Respect: 223 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 01:51pm
:up lol btw the blue is alittle hard to read ;) had to highlight it :(

Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 01:54pm
i totally agree CA, it has been added :up

and sorry about all the colour but big bear tells me lots of colour is best..:P

Tc For Sale

Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 01:55pm
the colours hurt my eyes :shock:

KaptaiN DoM


Post Count: 5
Respect: 223 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 01:58pm
no Biggest Beggar category ;)

Tinwai6 teh 5 on 3 off bunny


Post Count: 0
Respect: 5 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 02:01pm
nice rules...

does it include deathreats?? ;)



Post Count: 1
Respect: 307 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 02:02pm
very nice rules great idea's good Fo..muahhh



Post Count: 30
Respect: 599 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 03:38pm
Quote by Flirts Obsession:
i totally agree CA, it has been added :up

and sorry about all the colour but big bear tells me lots of colour is best..:P

Cause color is pretty foo! :P



Post Count: 30
Respect: 599 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 03:39pm
Quote by -venom-:
lol once we click on your names you get a +1 lol

sneaky! :D :D

Shush, don't tell no one. It's a secret. :P



Post Count: 30
Respect: 599 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 04:05pm
Quote by Lord Death:
:up lol btw the blue is alittle hard to read ;) had to highlight it :(

Sorry, I made it on my gang page which is a darker color so it showed up a lot better. Didn't realize that forum posts had the lighter gray color background. >.< :(

PSST, this is where you start sending in your nominations on who you think fits each category. :P

KaptaiN DoM


Post Count: 5
Respect: 223 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 04:55pm
PSST, this is where you start sending in your nominations on who you think fits each category. :p

lolz, gotta decide who to vote for first :shock:

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 07:47pm
Question, how exactly are you going to stop people asking on msn for people to vote for them :roll:



Post Count: 30
Respect: 599 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 07:48pm

You can also post your votes here for everyone to see. They will be counted.

Carry on with what you call a life :roll:



Post Count: 3
Respect: 1343 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 07:50pm
When do the votes have to be in by?

Cookie Mistress


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 07:58pm
Best Non Payer
Worst Non Payer

[-] -n00b


Post Count: 0
Respect: 10 [+] [-]
25 Aug 2009 08:55pm
lol yea nonpayer award? they are part of the game but seems more like politics than goals to work for.

still a good idea =)

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