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Forum >> Suggestions >> Cities

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Rating: 5 [+6 -1]

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 330 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 03:21am

New cities:
Level 2000
Level 3000
Level 3500
Level 4000
Level 4500

This clears the list up a bit; there's no need for so many cities.

Also, an idea that was brought forward to me from userbar is that gangs should be able to own a city. You can fight for the city, but you can only have 1 city per gang. Owning a city gives that gang a perk, each city has a different perk. For example, London may give you +5% energy, whereas Tokyo may give you +5% awake, something along those lines.
Perks I was thinking of include:
-Increased bank interest
-Increased energy
-Increased awake
-Increased nerve
-Increased search downtown searches
-Increased exp from crimes
-Increased cash from gang businesses
-Increases cash from gang crimes

(Nissan suggested the owning cities part, I just added to it.)

What do you guys think?


Post Count: 0
Respect: 36 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 03:24am
I think Pete for admin but yaknow



Post Count: 0
Respect: 167 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 03:26am
I think that's a great idea actually. :up

Mista Grimm Sr.


Post Count: 14
Respect: 1214 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 03:36am
Do dat shittttttttttt :up


Post Count: 2
Respect: 392 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 03:39am
that is the best idea i've heard



Post Count: 0
Respect: 127 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 04:22am



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
08 Feb 2015 09:33pm
:up :up

[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
22 Nov 2015 05:04am
edited below.

[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
22 Nov 2015 05:06am
Mr. Dabbalicious wrote:

New cities:
Level 2000
Level 3000
Level 3500
Level 4000
Level 4500

This clears the list up a bit; there's no need for so many cities.

Also, an idea that was brought forward to me from userbar is that gangs should be able to own a city. You can fight for the city, but you can only have 1 city per gang. Owning a city gives that gang a perk, each city has a different perk. For example, London may give you +5% energy, whereas Tokyo may give you +5% awake, something along those lines.
Perks I was thinking of include:
-Increased bank interest
-Increased energy
-Increased awake
-Increased nerve
-Increased search downtown searches
-Increased exp from crimes
-Increased cash from gang businesses
-Increases cash from gang crimes

(Nissan suggested the owning cities part, I just added to it.)

What do you guys think?

Sounds familiar to something I mentioned to Nissan a while back. You can find the rest of that Idea on this forum, I also explain Exactly how it could work. To much for you to read scroll down a little you will see the stupid version.

+1 on this thread hope they do it just want my credit where I deserve it.

@udk if you Need a better explanation msg me



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
01 Mar 2016 06:14am

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