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Forum >> General Chat >> Wtf...I feel like I was drinking a lot...

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[CON] Malicious


Post Count: 16
Respect: -26 [+] [-]
17 Jun 2017 08:09pm
When did I get CON? Did I have it before I left? Wtf happened?! I'm too old to remember this stuff on my own!! I need answers....

Also, hi! No I don't think I'm back, but maybe. Who knows. What has been going on around here? I see some familiar faces around here still. Hi!!! So anyone have answers?



Post Count: 21
Respect: 258 [+] [-]
17 Jun 2017 10:10pm
I have at least two answers.

The first - I think even Drastic shows as having Con. Search him, i can't find Detri, but Filthy is over with BBI, along with Frank Pais. Do you still have all the old gang forum shit? I'd pay for the pictures I took when Detri & I did a Pic War.

The second - A lot of people are coming back, at least for periods (such as myself) and are pleasantly surprised or disappointed with what they see. But we still have many things to offer, like glorious stories of the old times; batman and totty, Fuckoff and Don Corleone, Legos and Jello Shots!

[CON] Malicious


Post Count: 16
Respect: -26 [+] [-]
17 Jun 2017 10:17pm
Okay...i was the only one showing in the gang list I thought but I haven't looked real deep. I'll check some shit out and see what I have. Wanna come over here and play with me Ducky? ;) Bwahahaha



Post Count: 21
Respect: 258 [+] [-]
17 Jun 2017 10:18pm

[Ske] sike


Post Count: 231
Respect: 9 [+] [-]
18 Jun 2017 02:56pm
Malicious wrote:
When did I get CON? Did I have it before I left? Wtf happened?! I'm too old to remember this stuff on my own!! I need answers....

Also, hi! No I don't think I'm back, but maybe. Who knows. What has been going on around here? I see some familiar faces around here still. Hi!!! So anyone have answers?

I think you were the leader when you left. So I think

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