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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Booster Pack Raffle + Mugfest

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Rating: 3 [+3 -0]

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
21 Aug 2014 05:32pm
You have from now until tomorrow update to enter. Tickets will cost 1,000 points each, and you can have as many tickets as you want. Tickets will be in the order in which I receive the points, just to make things easier.

The winner will win a Booster Pack and 20% of the points.
Second place will win 10% of the points.
Third place will win 5% of the points.

The other 65% of the points I'll be selling, and whatever cash gets made from those will go into a mugfest for later on.

Good luck. :up

Hoping for at least 50 tickets to get sold. If exactly 50 get sold we'll have enough for a $4,225,000,000 mugfest, so the more tickets that get sold, the more there will be to mug. :D



Post Count: 170
Respect: 797 [+] [-]
21 Aug 2014 06:30pm
You have successfully sent 2,000 points to [G13] Pete :up
Nice Comp!

[BBI] TunaSalmon


Post Count: 228
Respect: -71 [+] [-]
21 Aug 2014 06:37pm
You have successfully sent 5,000 points to [G13] Pete



Post Count: 170
Respect: 797 [+] [-]
21 Aug 2014 06:50pm
You have successfully sent 3,000 points to [G13] Pete

Mista Grimm Sr.


Post Count: 14
Respect: 1214 [+] [-]
21 Aug 2014 06:51pm
You have successfully sent 5,000 points to [G13] Pete


[tHï] lady AT WAR


Post Count: 124
Respect: 9246 [+] [-]
21 Aug 2014 07:06pm
You have successfully sent 1,000 points to [G13] Pete :up

[yol] - Killer Zach -


Post Count: 447
Respect: 9537 [+] [-]
21 Aug 2014 09:38pm
So if I send in like 100k do I win?

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
21 Aug 2014 10:46pm
Dirtymax wrote:
So if I send in like 100k do I win?

You'll have a better chance of winning, but no guarantee you'll win. :p

[M] Cum Whore

Post Count: 7
Respect: 123 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 01:06am

You have successfully sent 1,000 points to [G13] Pete


Post Count: 2
Respect: 392 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 01:44am
You have successfully sent 7,000 points to [G13] Pete

[GK] Vyper


Post Count: 48
Respect: 1833 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 01:51am
Send Points

You have successfully sent 10,000 points to [G13] Pete


Karmas a bitch


Post Count: 4
Respect: 1917 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 02:40am
You have successfully sent 8,000 points to [G13] Pete


black bunny

Post Count: 2
Respect: 1172 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 02:48am
You have successfully sent 1,000 points to [G13] Pete



Post Count: 170
Respect: 797 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 04:25am
You have successfully sent 3,000 points to [G13] #TeamPete

[-|-] Dang3r

Post Count: 1
Respect: -32 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 04:28am
You have successfully sent 15,000 points to [G13] #TeamPete


[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 04:36am
If we keep this up we'll be well into the double digit billions for the mugfest! :o
Currently just under $9b, great work. :up

[BBI] TunaSalmon


Post Count: 228
Respect: -71 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 05:00am
You have successfully sent 2,000 points to [G13] #TeamPete



Post Count: 170
Respect: 797 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 05:09am
[G13] #TeamPete: 2 more tickets and we'll have a 10b mugfest!

You have successfully sent 2,000 points to [G13] #TeamPete



Post Count: 8
Respect: 419 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 07:27am
You have successfully sent 12,000 pointsto [G13] #TeamPete




Post Count: 0
Respect: 65 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 02:57pm
You have successfully sent 1,000 points to [G13] #TeamPete

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