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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Mafiacrime Wars 2009 presented by: Oblivious Heart

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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
13 May 2009 07:46am
Mr. E has HERPES



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Respect: 4 [+] [-]
13 May 2009 08:24am
can't come out to play :(



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Respect: 223 [+] [-]
13 May 2009 02:34pm
i just sent in my app :up



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Respect: 18 [+] [-]
13 May 2009 05:14pm
Common mobsters!!

Are you scared??

where are all the mc2 bullies why aint they applying?


this is going to be alot of fun so apply 30 hours remaining to hand in your applications.

good luck ;)


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
13 May 2009 06:54pm
YaY finally somethig to make this game better



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Respect: 103 [+] [-]
14 May 2009 02:17am
I don't get the Point of theese Questions.

- How loyal you will be
- How active you are
- Have you ever been banned.

I get the active part, If I have ever been banned there should be No need for you to know that as it has nothing to do with the war. Same thing with the loyal thing, Ill be able to play weather I am loyal or not.

The Active thing is reosonable.



Post Count: 0
Respect: 18 [+] [-]
14 May 2009 12:08pm
well stanly if you read this comp your also applying for leader of the gang.

how about i go back onto mcfb and insult your comps.

*LAME!* now get a life and stop spamming my thread.



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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
14 May 2009 06:27pm
LMAO. Owned

forkin reaper


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
14 May 2009 06:32pm
ok how do i sign up?



Post Count: 0
Respect: 103 [+] [-]
14 May 2009 09:09pm
Quote by Oblivions Heart:
well stanly if you read this comp your also applying for leader of the gang.

how about i go back onto mcfb and insult your comps.

*LAME!* now get a life and stop spamming my thread.

Wow, your rude.

I don't see what business it is of yours weather I have been banned or not.

Its not spamming it is on topic, and a question and I only made one post.
I have a life I just got back from school.

You do insult my comps I am just asking a question.



Post Count: 0
Respect: 18 [+] [-]
14 May 2009 09:11pm
stay on topic >.<. shhh! :P



Post Count: 0
Respect: 103 [+] [-]
14 May 2009 09:15pm
Quote by Oblivions Heart:
stay on topic &gt;.&lt;. shhh! :P

You went off-topic to take the time to insult me.

I just asked questions about the war and you still are not answering them.

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