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Big Larry

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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
24 Mar 2012 04:34am
ThePanda(for sale) wrote:
plus im active every day for a very lond time

You fail *long *time :angel: :angel:

Karmas a bitch


Post Count: 4
Respect: 1917 [+] [-]
24 Mar 2012 11:59pm
I might be interested in a position. I'm vary active and know the game well. I also know the game will not be saved buy an entertainer it needs someone that cares and knows what most people are looking for. We need more reasons for people to stay active

Homicidal tendencies


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Respect: 1163 [+] [-]
25 Mar 2012 04:40pm
Very true Nissan :)



Post Count: 71
Respect: 542 [+] [-]
26 Mar 2012 05:39am
i would make a great gm. im mostly inactive, been playing for a long time and think i am mostly better than everyone else

plus i have a FANTASTIC collection or armpit hair from bathhouses around the world, all neatly encased in bars of soap. hit me up if you want to check it out!



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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
26 Mar 2012 07:24am
i would just like to be any thing really if i can make people more active then i am going to do that i have been a entertainer before on other games and it worked out pretty well but i quit them games for this one kuzz it is the best of course but im here to help if i can

Dopeboy is GOD


Post Count: 0
Respect: 70 [+] [-]
26 Mar 2012 07:51am
i would like to be a FM, been here for some time now and im active every day many hours. I lurk forums when im online and when im online there are no staff online atm .

[ToC] Teh Bagger


Post Count: 0
Respect: 8 [+] [-]
26 Mar 2012 06:14pm
hey molez... make me a gm... you know you want to... I could be active, just need a reason... make me gm bitch dooo eeeet... you know you want to...

[FBL] Emile Heskey


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
27 Mar 2012 12:19am
Hi i want to apply to become a entertainer i have loads of ideas for comps, i don't have as much experience as most people but to promote activeness i will have a comp on who can think of the best comp and the winner will recieve a prize and the prize winning comp will be used.
To get more people to play and i'm not saying i can get everyone to play but every website i go on if they have a forum or a message box i will try my best to leave my referall and say who ever plays will recieve a points bonus for playing.
The positions i would consider would be flirts obsession should be an admin but sort of like a side kick to ease the pressure off the other admins and give them time off or she should take over the lazy one.

Yours sincerely,

bannnnmeee 3


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
30 Mar 2012 12:30am
I'd like to apply for the BADASS position,
Because i'm badass 8)

[DGï] DrUnK_BeAr


Post Count: 0
Respect: 558 [+] [-]
30 Mar 2012 04:45am
I'd like to apply for the position, so that i can do all the bitch work for admins and also ban people and put down the notes of what they did to violate the tos just to have molez unban them just because he feels like it

I'd also be able to give a lot of input and idea for improvements to the game to retain and get more players to the game which you will all ignore and never implement due to laziness thanks for your consideration :)



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Respect: 7 [+] [-]
05 Apr 2012 09:37am
Is there going to be any new staff?
Just curious

Foxy Vixen


Post Count: 0
Respect: 941 [+] [-]
11 Apr 2012 11:05am
Flirts Obsession wrote:
id like to apply for job as admin, as i think that one of them we have is lazy, and doesnt care about us anymore. and the other one we have does try hard but is hitting his head against a brickwall as the other isnt interested.. :lol:
i have extensive experience in this game and there is probably no one out there that knows its better than me including admins..
so anyway if you make me admin atleast MC will be fun again.. and work will get done..

I dare you :D :angel:

I think Flirts should deffonately be made an admin he really would get the game moving again, then maybe DB would take a GM job again cos he knows flirts would listen to his suggestions and never over turn legitamate bans



Post Count: 0
Respect: -32 [+] [-]
17 Apr 2012 05:30am
No new staff? Shocker!

DB already fucks up the game enough the way it is just being a fat headed prick, I could only imagine what he'd do with actual power.


Post Count: 0
Respect: 300 [+] [-]
17 Apr 2012 01:16pm
Boba Fett FOR SALE PP ONLY wrote:
No new staff? Shocker!

DB already fucks up the game enough the way it is just being a fat headed prick, I could only imagine what he'd do with actual power.

Enough bashing people already.



Post Count: 0
Respect: -32 [+] [-]
17 Apr 2012 02:59pm
Meh... :down


Post Count: 1
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
18 Apr 2012 03:24am
i like how some got entertainer and are inactive ,how awesome is that :lol: ,its time for a new staff recruiter :-z



Post Count: 0
Respect: -32 [+] [-]
18 Apr 2012 03:59am
DevilChild wrote:
i like how some got entertainer and are inactive ,how awesome is that :lol: ,its time for a new staff recruiter :-z

Lmao.... Awesome job. :up

Karmas a bitch


Post Count: 4
Respect: 1917 [+] [-]
19 Apr 2012 04:15am
Boba Fett FOR SALE PP ONLY wrote:
DevilChild wrote:
i like how some got entertainer and are inactive ,how awesome is that :lol: ,its time for a new staff recruiter :-z

Lmao.... Awesome job. :up

There all just trying to kill the game what good is entertainers when vary few join in... but they keep them around



Post Count: 0
Respect: -32 [+] [-]
19 Apr 2012 08:11am
Well Dunbar has been entertainer for a while, and he hasn't done much of anything. The new ones will come up with some stuff for a while, and then slow to a crawl like Dunbar did.

You have a point though, no one plays most of the comps. Mostly because they are geared toward the higher levels with higher stats and more money/points. The one's that ARE made so lower levels can participate are still won by the higher levels. And almost any raffle is won by whoever is willing to dump the most cash in, or a liked mobster.

I liked the way Flirts chose winners for the last comp he did. No one in the top ten knew what the hell they were going to win except the top one. Raffles need to have a limit on tickets one person can buy to keep it fair for everyone.



Post Count: 0
Respect: 205 [+] [-]
19 Apr 2012 11:55am
dunbar has done nothing

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