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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Entertainer

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Rating: 1 [+1 -0]

ban got new acc :)

Post Count: 0
Respect: 564 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 03:03am
I have been hoping for ET for months I hope I win, lol.

KaptaiN DoM


Post Count: 5
Respect: 223 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 01:32pm
I'm Dunbar :P



Post Count: 0
Respect: -2 [+] [-]
01 May 2014 01:51am
im active ill even fund operations my self


Post Count: 111
Respect: 58 [+] [-]
07 May 2014 06:07pm
Pete or brad I will do. I wouldn't mind using my own wealth it just sits here anyways

Chimp #2


Post Count: 0
Respect: 319 [+] [-]
07 May 2014 07:46pm
I apply for the role of ET.

[ToC] My Name Goes Here


Post Count: 309
Respect: 2403 [+] [-]
07 May 2014 08:24pm
Vazman wrote:
I will be ET, just send over the points



Post Count: 3
Respect: 11 [+] [-]
11 May 2014 08:14pm
I wouldn't mind throwing my name into the mix for Entertainer. I'll be the first to admit that I've never been an entertainer before, but I think it would be fun coming up with games and things to help out the server and to keep people active. I might have some problems keeping points and money around though but I'd do my best!



Post Count: 3
Respect: 350 [+] [-]
11 May 2014 08:22pm
i wanna be entertainer let me try...ask people in hustlaz ambition on mc1 i can run some good comps


Post Count: 111
Respect: 58 [+] [-]
12 May 2014 02:23am
I would like to try this also



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
12 May 2014 03:36am
What can you bring to the game? Why should we choose you over everybody else? How active are you? Are you a people person?

Shit like that. :p
1. I can bring entertaining, fun competitions to the game, comps that people will enjoy, not ones that have been used a trillion times.
2. I don't have much, (if any at all) experience with being a staff member for a mafia game, but there's a first time for everything. But I have enthusiasm, and optimism :)
3. Very active, at least 3 times a day, and more.
4. I have a lot of friends here, and people genuinely like me, the extent to enemies of people who bully others, non pay, etc.

[DG] -Assassin-


Post Count: 118
Respect: 4169 [+] [-]
12 May 2014 04:18am

return of..the tampon


Post Count: 0
Respect: -33 [+] [-]
12 May 2014 01:51pm
Meep 4 Sale wrote:
Me, cuz im fucking pro and it's not the first time i was ET on this server :p

perhaps you have got to ask yourself why you are no longer the entertainer on here? i would say that it falls into one of the three categories below;
1. You were shit and left following a public outcry.
2. You were shit and got kicked off the job.
3. You were shit and left cos you were shit.

Hope that helps out in the voting.

return of..the tampon


Post Count: 0
Respect: -33 [+] [-]
12 May 2014 01:54pm
Virginia Hill wrote:
im an awesome ET! people hate me or love me either way idgaf. im active mostly in small short bursts for an hour here and there a few times a day. and i was ET on a few games and well im awesome

:roll: no you are not awesome - if you were that awesome some one else, other than you, would have put your name forward.

return of..the tampon


Post Count: 0
Respect: -33 [+] [-]
12 May 2014 01:54pm
stereowriter wrote:
I active everyday can do daily comps plus huge weekly, my server wars come to mind... I'm american so my day ends 6hours after game time......anything else I should add

Says the man who is inactive..............

return of..the tampon


Post Count: 0
Respect: -33 [+] [-]
12 May 2014 01:56pm
KillerSr* wrote:
im active ill even fund operations my self

Says another man who is inactive............



Post Count: 22
Respect: 420 [+] [-]
13 May 2014 04:57pm
I wish to apply.

I've no interest and will probably give up in a week or so.
My only attempt of anything resembling entertainment will be to create a shitty mug fest, I might even declare the event with the headline in pretty colours too.

That's about it.

return of..the tampon


Post Count: 0
Respect: -33 [+] [-]
16 May 2014 04:26pm
spanner wrote:
I wish to apply.

I've no interest and will probably give up in a week or so.
My only attempt of anything resembling entertainment will be to create a shitty mug fest, I might even declare the event with the headline in pretty colours too.

That's about it.

my vote is with spanner - i like his free thinking on the mugfest competition - my only concern is that he hasn't described himself as 'awesome' and the fact that he is active, we do need an entertainer that is usually inactive and is a complete bellend - i would say that most of the bunnies on here fit into that category



Post Count: 22
Respect: 420 [+] [-]
17 May 2014 10:59am
the return of......... wrote:
spanner wrote:
I wish to apply.

I've no interest and will probably give up in a week or so.
My only attempt of anything resembling entertainment will be to create a shitty mug fest, I might even declare the event with the headline in pretty colours too.

That's about it.

my vote is with spanner - i like his free thinking on the mugfest competition - my only concern is that he hasn't described himself as 'awesome' and the fact that he is active, we do need an entertainer that is usually inactive and is a complete bellend - i would say that most of the bunnies on here fit into that category

I have 3 friends on MySpace and a respect count of 25, will that do?

return of..the tampon


Post Count: 0
Respect: -33 [+] [-]
18 May 2014 10:48pm
spanner wrote:
the return of......... wrote:
spanner wrote:
I wish to apply.

I've no interest and will probably give up in a week or so.
My only attempt of anything resembling entertainment will be to create a shitty mug fest, I might even declare the event with the headline in pretty colours too.

That's about it.

my vote is with spanner - i like his free thinking on the mugfest competition - my only concern is that he hasn't described himself as 'awesome' and the fact that he is active, we do need an entertainer that is usually inactive and is a complete bellend - i would say that most of the bunnies on here fit into that category

I have 3 friends on MySpace and a respect count of 25, will that do?

hmmm, not sure about that you seem a little too popular with your make believe myspace friends - are you able to cheat at the competitions to allow your 3 friends to win on here??



Post Count: 170
Respect: 797 [+] [-]
19 May 2014 02:25am
Is this job going to start this year or 2015?

Original post was.......
06 Feb 2014 04:11pm


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