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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Scammers beware

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[☠] Vegeta Bunny


Post Count: 70
Respect: 404 [+] [-]
01 Oct 2015 04:59pm
Mr. Montana wrote:
Honestly Lets be real here you don't like it Fight me do something about it! Make my game play a living hell it should be the players that react to scammers not gms or Admins. This is a Mafia Game, Con Artist should be allowed, Come on Face it Deals go sour all the time in Real life. What You going to run and tell Police you committed a crime and got robed for it? :lol:

As for Scammer tags Who cares? I know I don't thats a pussy's move on your part, And as long as I'm not a Macro player or breaking any rules that allows me to have a advantage over everyone else you shouldn't care either. " Who you trying to be Robo cop? :cop: Thats funny...

Honestly Scammer tag just means I play by my Own rules Not Your or anyone elses Deal with me Or don't your choice. But Gms shouldn't be playing police. But then again Look at the game we are playing Might as well all call this
"Mafia Hugs."

Edited: Games all screwed up for example. You got people buying RMS to get special advantages just to go sell the items they needed the RM to get in the first place, to then go and resell it to the general public ( non rms) at under the games market Price. This game is ass backwards and your not helping things I say just let the public deal with its own, Its a Dog eat Dog world out. :up 8)

I helped the guy that got scammed. Not a lot but did give him a few.



Post Count: 498
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
02 Oct 2015 01:36am
Mr. Montana wrote:
so how is a scammer going to pay back what he or she owes? :lol:



Post Count: 498
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
02 Oct 2015 01:39am
mr i told you i would stop your bullshit about buying and reselling you didt belive me i went to brad he said he would but never did so i ask raw if i could have scammer tag he said no so i scammed someone just to piss staff off and get them on the ball now you want be able to do shit bout it but pay off your scammer tag just like i did but i got lied and fucked by the staff so i have to wait but its all good all i wanted was for your bullshit to stop now pay off your scammer tagg what was it once to was 5k points then went to 200mil then jump to 50mil pay it the fuck off cause your business is shut down haha bitch boy



Post Count: 498
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
02 Oct 2015 01:39am
go head staff forums banned me again cause i talking shit but if your going to forums bann me for that then i think thats about another 10k ppl that need to be banned also



Post Count: 498
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
02 Oct 2015 01:40am
thank you have a very nice day and fuck off

ps staff just cause its locked does stop me form eidt a post you newbi ass staff smh omg

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