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50 if before next friday


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Respect: 72 [+] [-]
30 Mar 2012 03:59pm
Boogeyman wrote:
Not working as a team? Bullshit lmfao..yesterday morning you hit most online everytime the guy had 2 minutes left in the ward so Ryan had free reign to ward him without anyone else online getting there first! That's a fact whether you say otherwise or not :roll:

its like he said here and thats right,one of you kill all online and the other one kill the comp. here



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Respect: 300 [+] [-]
31 Mar 2012 08:57am
Boogeyman wrote:
Not working as a team? Bullshit lmfao..yesterday morning you hit most online everytime the guy had 2 minutes left in the ward so Ryan had free reign to ward him without anyone else online getting there first! That's a fact whether you say otherwise or not :roll:

See, that's where you are wrong.

I killed everyone online TWICE and it had nothing to do with the guy - which explains why I didn't kill him nor did Juliet when I did my spree.

So now, if we were really working together, I'd be doing it constantly, and I would be warding entire gangs on top of the online players which everyone knows I damn well could do because apparently I'm a jackass like that.

But here you are bashing on me for killing people - playing an aspect of the game might I add - because you fuckers are too bullheaded as to realize and accept the fact that for once Juliet and I aren't working together.

We don't always work together - believe it or not. I'm not going to bother wasting my time defending myself to you anymore.

[DGï] DrUnK_BeAr


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Respect: 558 [+] [-]
31 Mar 2012 09:58am
Let's just allow the comp to run it's course and let the actions that follow speak for itself simple as that

[DGï] DrUnK_BeAr


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Respect: 558 [+] [-]
31 Mar 2012 10:01am
i already have an agreement with ryan and juliet, if one of us 3 happen to end up winning, the proceeds will not go to just ourselves as we have no need for it but to lowers that deserve it, there nuff said :)

hope that solves any confusion :D

[=V=] DatBoi Stoopid


Post Count: 329
Respect: -5 [+] [-]
31 Mar 2012 10:02am
I was not on about you warding everyone online, if you take a minute to read what I said then you will see that 2 minutes before HIT-ME-HARD come out the ward juliet hit EVERYONE who was online that she could beat so there was nobody able to hit him online apart from you, Personally I dont really care who wins or not just giving my opinion as I see it and that just so happens to be facts not fiction :)


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Respect: 300 [+] [-]
31 Mar 2012 04:40pm
I know Boogey, my whole post wasn't just directed at you.

Juliet does what she wants. I don't control her. I don't know what her methods of killing the guy are. She's her own person and can decide for herself.


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Respect: 300 [+] [-]
02 Apr 2012 02:20am
lmfao if either myself or mazz wins the forum ban



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Respect: 18 [+] [-]
02 Apr 2012 09:58pm
y does it say winners will be banned then when u click the name it says winners will be announced :s


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Respect: 300 [+] [-]
03 Apr 2012 01:05pm
Because the account is in the city named Banned.

Full name doesn't actually show on the bar.

"Winners will be announced" - Banned

Bolded is the name that shows, banned is the city.

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