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Rating: 1 [+2 -1]



Post Count: 170
Respect: 797 [+] [-]
02 Mar 2014 07:17am
Make it that your remaining mission objectives are displayed on your profile. If you on a mission then it's on your profile page.



Post Count: 338
Respect: 1122 [+] [-]
02 Mar 2014 12:43pm



Post Count: 338
Respect: 1122 [+] [-]
12 Mar 2014 06:01pm
The hell is this recode gonna happen yo? Can't y'all post some rumors or something here? Let us know something before we get raped with some drastic change like last time.

Big Daddy Woo Woo


Post Count: 41
Respect: 1743 [+] [-]
12 Mar 2014 10:18pm
how about the ability to buy someone out of the ward other than yourself

[DJS] DJ Skillet


Post Count: 8
Respect: 1308 [+] [-]
12 Mar 2014 11:00pm
Money Gambling Bet


[pjp] teegar


Post Count: 0
Respect: 676 [+] [-]
12 Mar 2014 11:41pm
a choice of whether to market an item for cash or for points.



Post Count: 338
Respect: 1122 [+] [-]
13 Mar 2014 01:52am
pajamabunny wrote:
a choice of whether to market an item for cash or for points.

That is fucking brilliant!!! :up Give this woman a free 90 day rm.



Post Count: 0
Respect: 151 [+] [-]
20 Apr 2014 09:01pm
pajamabunny wrote:
a choice of whether to market an item for cash or for points.

I agree, A pts Item market is need.



Post Count: 0
Respect: 151 [+] [-]
20 Apr 2014 09:01pm
Though it'd be great to know what you are thinking about putting in and a rough estimate of when this is all going to happen.

Chimp #2


Post Count: 0
Respect: 319 [+] [-]
21 Apr 2014 07:59pm
Trades between servers at a cost. Should be 2:1 from here to MC1

[ITA] Stark

Post Count: 16
Respect: 51 [+] [-]
27 Apr 2014 01:01pm
For those asking about the recode, it'll happen sometime between June and August.It takes time to make a whole new game.


Post Count: 0
Respect: 48 [+] [-]
11 May 2014 10:52am
lady AT WAR wrote:
rating that you can see who rates you up or down :D




Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
24 May 2014 10:58pm
The return of dd's (drug dealers)! :) 8)


Post Count: 0
Respect: 153 [+] [-]
07 Jun 2014 04:41am
how about new weapon amour and shoes?



Post Count: 3
Respect: 11 [+] [-]
12 Jun 2014 07:46am
I don't know if this has been said already, but how about a consumable that lets you keep spies away for a week or a certain number of days? Not a game changer but it might be fun.



Post Count: 2
Respect: 29 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 09:59am
colored gang tags

CE Bunny FOR SALE 50k MC1 pts


Post Count: 107
Respect: 647 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 11:31am
udk wrote:
Hi all

Just to let you know what's going on lately...

I've started work on a new code base for MC, including making it easier on the eyes - call it a recode if you will.

What I'm looking for from you is what part of MC you'd most like to change or add to. Can be something that's small but been bugging you for years or a larger update that would spice the game up. The best ideas (chosen by myself and other staff) will be given prizes! - and of course added/changed in the "new MC". This can be absolutely anything including graphical changes.


Disclaimer: if the ideas are copied from suggestion forum credit will be given to the original proposer, so please either try to be unique or hunt down your previous ideas.

Now remember you did ask :lol:

Ok the donate button should be more prominently placed. also your donation startegy packahes are crap. You need to sit down and think about how to sell stuff to people, what they want

For example. Weapons armour shoes cars etc. You are missing a golden opportunity to make some money. Every now and them make a weapon etc available through donate only. its stats will be a bit better than whats currently available, release this at the same time you release a new armour item etc so that its worth the players buying because it will be around for a while.

Same thing goes for houses. why not donate for a slightly better house than what everyone else can get

Also sit down and work out a complete strategy for release of houses weapons etc and the pictures that go along with it, then you can have a decent planned out curve of what the items should have in terms of stats the pries and what awake extra benefits you get from a house

same goes for cities, plan this shit out rather than just sticking things on last minute, same again goes for crimes and other things

as it is brad on mc1 theres no fucking way a new player can possibly hope to catch up to the established hof players so whats happening and i have been watching is that the hof buy points and the rest of the guys buy the hofs rather than spening their bucks trying t ocatch fol. an open ended server will always have this problem. you gotta time limit the bugger with prizes at the end for best in class that carry over to the refreshed server.

run 3 servers over 6 months to a year time limited. run mc1 for 6 months then kick off mc2, and have mc3 running as a speed server finishing after 3 months again with prizes

do it an not only will you make more money but the game stays fresh and new people have a chance of getting to the top wothout spending 5 grand to do it



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
30 Nov 2014 07:33am
CE Bunny is absolutely brilliant, however doing such a thing would have to make it worthwhile, like points packs 2.5k for 3 bucks.. I mean I get that just doing dailies lol. I would also like to see an animated game, like that one on TR where you get to drive from the cops. Also, this is minor but how about an active banner, or background of a sort. And make new screen shots, the ones are outdated by like 4 years lol. Ohh! And bring back Risk, I loved that shit.


Post Count: 16
Respect: 284 [+] [-]
01 Dec 2014 04:23pm
make it so when can send points from 1 to 2 without using traders


Post Count: 16
Respect: 284 [+] [-]
01 Dec 2014 04:28pm
new games like poker and stuff like that

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