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Rating: 1 [+2 -1]

[TET] udk


Post Count: 32
Respect: -2 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 06:07pm
Hi all

Just to let you know what's going on lately...

I've started work on a new code base for MC, including making it easier on the eyes - call it a recode if you will.

What I'm looking for from you is what part of MC you'd most like to change or add to. Can be something that's small but been bugging you for years or a larger update that would spice the game up. The best ideas (chosen by myself and other staff) will be given prizes! - and of course added/changed in the "new MC". This can be absolutely anything including graphical changes.


Disclaimer: if the ideas are copied from suggestion forum credit will be given to the original proposer, so please either try to be unique or hunt down your previous ideas.



Post Count: 0
Respect: 151 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 06:09pm
The ability to do speed missions. Possibly costing around 250 pts. This would allow it then when you have finished a mission you can start one right after. Can only be used once a day.

Not sure if its been brought up before.



Post Count: 170
Respect: 797 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 06:13pm
Larger crimes on this server.


Post Count: 3
Respect: 60 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 06:21pm
Maybe a pet involved dailie? Like having 1 pet a day forage in your houses garden at the cost of 10% will or something?


Post Count: 3
Respect: 60 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 06:25pm
Has probably been said before over and over, but achievments?



Post Count: 3
Respect: 1343 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 06:36pm
id like to be able to have a place in event search for random events.

outbox mail search

[BBI] TunaSalmon


Post Count: 228
Respect: -71 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 06:48pm
I think introduce another GM per server (I suggest Vincent on MC1 and Vyper on MC2, both have experience, Vincent can code and Vyper is damn active who is open with the community)

Also I think Entertainers to keep our current players interested is a nessecity, personally suggesting 2 per server with opposing time zones with a regular and well structured payment plan (nothing too much, but enough to keep the fire burning) :)

:up :up



Post Count: 3
Respect: 11 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 06:58pm
This really could go for any server that you host but here are my suggestions.

Random Mug Fest, meaning once a day you find an inactive person that anyone can mug from and you change the time, so it doesn't always have to happen at the same time so people have to search/wait for it.

Speed Missions, I know it was said already but I support this!

Random Points and Money and Items, meaning that at update you randomly pick an active/offline user and they get something random. Maybe points, money, awesome items maybe a car or even a new house. Keeps it spicy and gives an incentive to stay active.

Higher Crimes, meaning more experience...Although again already said I support this.

Award and more comps something like MOTH where you can get a few points here and there maybe crime boss of the hour or something along those lines?

More games, I'm not sure what happened to risk but I liked that and maybe a poker table or something where we can bet cash and points. Maybe not to get rich but just to play and socialize?

[tHï] lady AT WAR


Post Count: 124
Respect: 9246 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 07:05pm
rating that you can see who rates you up or down :D

and please don't let anyone mess with our mail, gang mail,forum format..we have the best out there already :up

and more advertising, please :D


Post Count: 111
Respect: 58 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 07:24pm
It's a fucking mafia game.


Several players team up to perform heists.. If successfull, the group gets a tidy payout.. If not, they all go fed jail (which cannot be busted from)

The more players involved, the higher the success rate and biger the payouts, yada yada yada.

Sneaky retired


Post Count: 44
Respect: 1160 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 07:25pm
Do away with rating a member up or down

[tHï] lady AT WAR


Post Count: 124
Respect: 9246 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 07:37pm
Lost 2 wrote:
Do away with rating a member up or down

:down :down



Post Count: 3
Respect: 350 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 08:30pm
bring back the mafia crime awards and a et is a must


Post Count: 3
Respect: 60 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 08:58pm
Bots that randomly hit online users? With mixed levels/stats and level/stat ratio. Would just add a little more, fun? The catch is you can't kill them by attacking them, only if they lose to you?

[tHï] Terry Mardy


Post Count: 169
Respect: 1059 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 09:14pm
Please please please allow us to link accounts to mc1 and be able to transfer points

ban got new acc :)

Post Count: 0
Respect: 564 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 09:15pm
Make the colors a little darker. Pet of the hour


Post Count: 111
Respect: 58 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 09:24pm
x10 Pet trains
x10 Gang Crimes
x100 Gang Business income :o



Post Count: 0
Respect: 355 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 09:34pm
Make a phone mission. I play on my phone and can't do them so it sucks

Mista Grimm Sr.


Post Count: 14
Respect: 1214 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 09:34pm
Make gang crimes something that each of the members must actually do. So if they crime is mug another gangs business, we [EF] have to mug members that own that gang, but every member of [EF] would have to participate in order for the gang to get credit for it. Also, make it worth owning a gang business. The current payout is worthless.

Up the rate that rare items are given out with the dailies.

Give us more crimes to do.

Bring over the Battleship type game that is on TR. Hell, call it a Valentine's Day Massacre and a random online player is the person that has a hit put on them.

Bring the moonshining portion over as well.

Add something to missions where you have to get a certain amount of online hits on a random player.

Delete half of the inactive level 1 accounts



Post Count: 294
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 09:51pm
Mista Grimm Sr. wrote:
Make gang crimes something that each of the members must actually do. So if they crime is mug another gangs business, we [EF] have to mug members that own that gang, but every member of [EF] would have to participate in order for the gang to get credit for it.

Although this would/could make the gang more active i have seen this shut a lot of gangs down and ultimately the game in the end as people didn't want to be that active.

Yes i know what you will say, if they are not going to be active then they can piss off.

My 2 cents worth

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