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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Mafiacrime Wars 2009 Team Selections

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Post Count: 0
Respect: 64 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:14pm
Mafia Crime Gang Wars 2009 Team Selection!

Through the duration of the team selections, everyone will have to wait to see what team they will end up in.

Every 5 minutes a mobsters will be randomly selected to join ether the RED team or the BLUE team.

Here is an example of what you are likely to see when selected.


click here to apply to your chosen gang.

Congratulations on making the Blue team please apply ASAP! and good luck!

At this point you will apply to your chosen team.
FAIL! to do so will result in the war starting and you will be left behind.

All the team selections will appear in the thread, so... KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR YOUR NAME!!.

[BFG] the little dude.


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:14pm
first :up :up :up



Post Count: 0
Respect: 18 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:16pm

click here to apply to your chosen gang.

Congratulations on making the Blue team please apply ASAP! and good luck!

[L†A] Dr.Manhattan


Post Count: 0
Respect: -5 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:19pm

--Combat-- FOR SALE


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:20pm
ok i'm set!



Post Count: 0
Respect: 18 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:20pm

click here to apply to your chosen gang.

Congratulations on making the Red team please apply ASAP! and good luck!



Post Count: 0
Respect: 18 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:24pm

click here to apply to your chosen gang.

Congratulations on making the Blue team please apply ASAP! and good luck!



Post Count: 0
Respect: 18 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:28pm

click here to apply to your chosen gang.

Congratulations on making the Red team please apply ASAP! and good luck!



Post Count: 2
Respect: 724 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:35pm

I am in:)



Post Count: 0
Respect: 18 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:36pm
[zsize=3]Mafiacrime wars 2009 team selection[/size]

[BLU] CrazedVato blue
[BLU] Silent Ghost Leader
[S•A] 5moka red
[BLU] RedSoxBunny blue
[Ex] KostyHussar red
[P™] Stan blue
[BLU] Wolverine red
[LFW] bugsbunny-50 points per hit blue
[DG™] Puddin Pop red
[LFW] S K I L L Z blue
[DG™] President Bush Cheney bunny red
[PRO] Smoky McPot blue
[N/A] Killers -Guard- red
[tH™] ladydj blue
[253] Canothink5 red
[253] Rogue Assassin blue
[•••] Eastwood red
[P™] Hawk blue
Don Corleone red
thug p blue
[RED] tayler Leader
[DG™] Toxic red
[NCW] napo blue
[MTF] 4_SALE_RENTED_2_sadistic red
[BLU] Flirts Obsession co-leader
[DG™] donkey punch blue
LD Ninja-Knight red
[L†A] Drastic blue
[253] -VENOM- red
[MiS] The-Truth blue
[GKS] Lilmamaz red
OllieHendrix blue
[SLB] MKSoldier red
[P™] HaaZe teh CroCoDiLe blue
[TCF] natty2k9 red
[253] MR.E blue
[CON] pmd572 red
[253] Dare Devil blue
[RED] RevCo co-leader
[BFD] Jackson =) red
[L†A] Dr.Manhattan blue
Hitman20ems red
always-training blue
[SSB] 30 cent red
[MTF] forkin reaper blue



Post Count: 0
Respect: 18 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:38pm
everyone must be in the teams that have been selected for them!!

Hitman Chris


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:38pm
so i have to apply to the gang again?



Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:38pm
w00t, Ollies in!

Foxy Vixen


Post Count: 0
Respect: 941 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:42pm
well done for messing that up shud hav made it more clearer



Post Count: 0
Respect: 18 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:42pm

[SSB] 30 cent red <
must apply for red team
[MTF] forkin reaper blue <
must apply for blue team :).

the leaders of each gang has been given the list so dont sneak your way into another gang :).

Hitman Chris


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:48pm
:up :up



Post Count: 0
Respect: 1 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:48pm
can i join the red team plz

KaptaiN DoM


Post Count: 5
Respect: 223 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:50pm
[BLU] CrazedVato blue
[BLU] Silent Ghost Leader
[BLU] RedSoxBunny blue
[P™] Stan blue
[LFW] bugsbunny-50 points per hit blue
[LFW] S K I L L Z blue
[PRO] Smoky McPot blue
[tH™] ladydj blue
[253] Rogue Assassin blue
[P™] Hawk blue
thug p blue
[NCW] napo blue
[BLU] Flirts Obsession co-leader
[DG™] donkey punch blue
[L†A] Drastic blue
[MiS] The-Truth blue
OllieHendrix blue
[P™] HaaZe teh CroCoDiLe blue
[253] MR.E blue
[253] Dare Devil blue
[L†A] Dr.Manhattan blue
always-training blue
[MTF] forkin reaper blue

[S•A] 5moka red
[Ex] KostyHussar red
[BLU] Wolverine red
[DG™] Puddin Pop red
[DG™] President Bush Cheney bunny red
[N/A] Killers -Guard- red
[253] Canothink5 red
[•••] Eastwood red
Don Corleone red
[RED] tayler Leader
[DG™] Toxic red
[MTF] 4_SALE_RENTED_2_sadistic red
LD Ninja-Knight red
[253] -VENOM- red
[GKS] Lilmamaz red
[SLB] MKSoldier red
[TCF] natty2k9 red
[CON] pmd572 red
[RED] RevCo co-leader
[BFD] Jackson =) red
Hitman20ems red
[SSB] 30 cent red

To make it clearer :p



Post Count: 0
Respect: 1 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:50pm
yh so



Post Count: 0
Respect: 18 [+] [-]
15 May 2009 10:55pm
[RED] LD Ninja-Knight

thanks for that ;).

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