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Forum >> News and Announcements >> mc2 gang war..

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Flirts Obsession


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Respect: 25 [+] [-]
25 May 2009 06:11pm
the gang war will start at 12.15 am game time tonight.. 15 minutes after up date...

the war will run for 3 days..

get your bodies into your gangs NOW, and get organised, if you are not in the gang by the start time, you will be left out and not join in.

so when i say NOW i mean NOW..


also remember to take your weapons with you, don't leave them in your gang vault, otherwise you will be fighting barehanded.

Selling Acc


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
25 May 2009 06:12pm
cant wait to see how this works out... person with the highest stats wins.... :up

[???] Schnookums SELLING rented


Post Count: 0
Respect: -6 [+] [-]
25 May 2009 06:13pm
This'll be fun to see.


Cunning Stunts


Post Count: 0
Respect: 1 [+] [-]
25 May 2009 06:13pm
lol, looking forward to some carnage and over competitivness, should be good fun and worth the organising...



Post Count: 1
Respect: 307 [+] [-]
25 May 2009 06:18pm
except when he says now he means now and there is no one in blue team to let me

[snt] n-dubz

Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
25 May 2009 06:43pm
i was in the red team then the kicked me out

[tHï] lady AT WAR


Post Count: 124
Respect: 9246 [+] [-]
25 May 2009 07:10pm
i forgot to sign up :(


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
25 May 2009 08:06pm
so did i ladydj :(

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
25 May 2009 08:57pm
you ladies can join purple team <3

[NCW] napo


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
25 May 2009 10:12pm
:down :down :down :-z :-z :-z :-z :-z :-z :-z



Post Count: 4
Respect: -32 [+] [-]
26 May 2009 01:25am
That sucks.....Its memorial day and I was at the locked out.

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