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Forum >> News and Announcements >> gang war..

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Flirts Obsession


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Respect: 25 [+] [-]
26 May 2009 09:24pm
ok guys the war is over and it has ended due to unforeseen circumstances..
please everyone that was in blue and red teams join this gang below.. we have a surprise for you..:D


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Respect: 470 [+] [-]
26 May 2009 09:32pm

Cunning Stunts


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Respect: 1 [+] [-]
26 May 2009 09:39pm
was a bit silly putting the 3 strongest players on the same side!!



Post Count: 22
Respect: 420 [+] [-]
26 May 2009 09:46pm
Did the server crash?



Post Count: 4
Respect: -32 [+] [-]
26 May 2009 09:50pm
Yes....Putting the 3 strongest people in the game onto one team and A confessed non-payer as the leader of the other gang...then go ahead and start the war on Memorial day....When everyone in the USA is outside at BBqs and visiting Cemetaries.....a big WTF to the organizers.

Dirt Star


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
26 May 2009 10:08pm
unforeseen circumstances??????????

-Evil Bunny-


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
26 May 2009 10:36pm
second time this has happend...

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
26 May 2009 10:49pm
exactly hence why I call it a ill begotten war.

[L†A] Dr.Manhattan


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Respect: -5 [+] [-]
26 May 2009 11:07pm
Yes....Putting the 3 strongest people in the game onto one team and A confessed non-payer as the leader of the other gang...then go ahead and start the war on Memorial day....When everyone in the USA is outside at BBqs and visiting Cemetaries.....a big WTF to the organizers.

LMAO. 1. Since when am "I" a non payer. and 2. I was not placed as leader. I was picked by MC by majority vote,lol.

Selling Acc


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
27 May 2009 06:05pm
Dr manhattan is a cool guy and good leader, he was voted in. Not his fault this is a failed idea :up

Dirty Princess


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
27 May 2009 08:45pm
i think this war should be called

The War That Never Was



Post Count: 4
Respect: -32 [+] [-]
28 May 2009 09:53pm
non-payers renting bunnies now eek.gif "

Quote by Dr.Manhattan:

"LOL. I know. That's so weird that we would rent bunnys when we are all non payers, like DG likes to say so much,lol.

Funny thing is. Most of the donations that go to some of those rentals. Come from non paying members of the gang To help out their paying counter parts."

If you are a non-payer or not...You definitely support and harbor non payers.
This is just semantics! In my opinion if you are the leader of a non payer gang THEN YOU ARE A NON PAYER.

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