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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
27 May 2009 11:56pm
NBA Finals

This is a contest to make major money. It only costs $1mil per entry. and you may enter as many times as you like. Here is how it works.

-Entries are $1mil a piece
-You may enter as many times as you like
-You can send me the cash after I have giving you the ok to send
-Or you can buy a Fork off the market for $1,000,000

An Entry is made up of the 2 teams you think will be in the finals and how the games will go.


Denver VS Orlando

Game 1- Denver
Game 2 - Denver
Game 3 - Orlando
Game 4 - Orlando
Game 5 - Denver
Game 6 - Orlando
Game 7 - Denver

You dont have to have all games filled up. If you think the finals will be won in 4 games then put it. The winner will gain 90% of the pot. 10% of the pot will be mugged away at a set time. If you have any questions feel free to ask me about this. Good Luck. The comp will be closed as soon as the first game of the Finals Begins. Please put your votes in as soon as possible. As that way I can start posting how big the pot is. You do not have to have your vote. Just send me the $1,000,000 and I will add your name to the list. Once we know the 2 teams who will be in the finals I will start taking the votes. This will be watched over by a GM. So there will be no funny business. I will not be allowed to enter either. Also if you send me any money without my approval and it gets mugged I will not be responsible for it. Once I give you the go ahead you may send. Any questions message me. Thanks and good luck.

Please direct any and all questions to me userbar


Post Count: 0
Respect: 13 [+] [-]
27 May 2009 11:58pm
Well this will be canceled loads too?


Post Count: 0
Respect: 13 [+] [-]
27 May 2009 11:58pm
Will this be* :-r

< had a drink.



Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
27 May 2009 11:58pm
geeez woman!! don't you ever sleep!?!?


Post Count: 0
Respect: 12 [+] [-]
27 May 2009 11:59pm


Post Count: 0
Respect: 13 [+] [-]
27 May 2009 11:59pm
No, if you become my stalker you will see im not actually on much :-r


Post Count: 0
Respect: 12 [+] [-]
28 May 2009 01:14am
10mil in the pot rite now

bub the zombie


Post Count: 1
Respect: 180 [+] [-]
28 May 2009 09:17am
poop. im drunk



Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
28 May 2009 04:44pm
good idea, but should have done it from the beginning of playoffs not 3/4 of the way through....this game should definately have a sports betting thing

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
28 May 2009 08:30pm
Quote by - Purple Brit -:
No, if you become my stalker you will see im not actually on much :-r

Does that mean he switches odd days with Clutch?

[�] The Hunter


Post Count: 0
Respect: 2 [+] [-]
28 May 2009 09:46pm
Quote by sillycil:
good idea, but should have done it from the beginning of playoffs not 3/4 of the way through....this game should definately have a sports betting thing

The name of the thread is called NBA Finals, that should explain it lol.

[SRï] Peng Express


Post Count: 10
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
29 May 2009 04:25am
Quote by RevCo:
NBA Finals

This is a contest to make major money. It only costs $5mil per entry. and you may enter as many times as you like. Here is how it works.

-Entries are $5mil a piece
-You may enter as many times as you like
-You can send me the cash after I have giving you the ok to send
-Or you can buy a Fork off the market for $5,000,000

An Entry is made up of the 2 teams you think will be in the finals and how the games will go.


Denver VS Orlando

Game 1- Denver
Game 2 - Denver
Game 3 - Orlando
Game 4 - Orlando
Game 5 - Denver
Game 6 - Orlando
Game 7 - Denver

You dont have to have all games filled up. If you think the finals will be won in 4 games then put it. The winner will gain 90% of the pot. 10% of the pot will be mugged away at a set time. If you have any questions feel free to ask me about this. Good Luck. The comp will be closed as soon as the first game of the Finals Begins. Please put your votes in as soon as possible. As that way I can start posting how big the pot is. You do not have to have your vote. Just send me the $5,000,000 and I will add your name to the list. Once we know the 2 teams who will be in the finals I will start taking the votes. This will be watched over by a GM. So there will be no funny business. I will not be allowed to enter either. Also if you send me any money without my approval and it gets mugged I will not be responsible for it. Once I give you the go ahead you may send. Any questions message me. Thanks and good luck.

Please direct any and all questions to me

Um... The cavs are not out of it yet


Post Count: 0
Respect: 12 [+] [-]
29 May 2009 09:14pm
Read it. No where in it does it say the Cavs are out.


Post Count: 0
Respect: 12 [+] [-]
29 May 2009 09:19pm
Tickets are 1mil a piece.

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