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Forum >> News and Announcements >> WE have our winners

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Post Count: 1
Respect: 307 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:32pm
..Hope you guys enjoyed this comp

1st prize goes to userbar
2nd prize goes touserbar

I want to take a little time to thank the following ppl that has donated to our comps, in the past or recently.

Ice queen she donated a 30 day rm pack
Sl4y3rDyc3 Donated points
Sky555 donated points..
Spoons donated pts
Ld Ninja-Knight donated cash
Natas Bunny has donated a rm pack

Thank you guys you are awesome

The answers are as follows
Dr. Manhatten
Puff the magic Bunny
White Magic
Drunk Bear


[UC] Don Delano


Post Count: 0
Respect: 17 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:32pm
:up :up :up

Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:33pm
oh wow!! thanks mrs _B, thanks to all the guys that donated too..:D

[nYc] superhuman2


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:33pm
hey no fair manhattan is spelled wrong and there was an extra c in icedancer.. lol idc i still wudnt have won



Post Count: 3
Respect: 1343 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:34pm
congrats flirts :up



Post Count: 0
Respect: 634 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:34pm
He's got a point, well done though flirt buddy.. :up



Post Count: 0
Respect: 4 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:35pm
:up :up :up


Post Count: 0
Respect: 151 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:36pm
And no P...for puff.....or I would of won this 20 minutes ago :down

I'ma gonna kill you FO :-z

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:37pm
Why the hell are people donating to these events. You should be getting it from the game, not players.

Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:37pm
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


Post Count: 0
Respect: 151 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:39pm
No P...and one F...

KaptaiN DoM


Post Count: 5
Respect: 223 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:39pm
damn puff :( i looked at him too but couldnt see it :(

o well still came 2nd

Congratz FO :up


Post Count: 0
Respect: 300 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:40pm
Thanks for donating, ice queen!

Your package should be delivered within 10 minutes! If not, please contact an administrator.

Please remember that cash from RM packs goes directly to your bank.

tsk tsk Flirts lol..nah congratz m8 and well done Mrs_B great comp :up



Post Count: 3
Respect: 1343 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:41pm

puff the magic bunny

no p, only one f, a random d & two t's.

no wonder i didnt get it :|



Post Count: 0
Respect: 9 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:41pm
does it really matter where the prizes come from brit it shows that members arnt all bad just some and that the admins are cheap lol and mrs b is doing a great job and it was ok for mrs b to donate for your little forum comps wasnt it :up :up

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:44pm
Yes it does, its Mrs. B's job to entertain...her job entitles her to get things from the game to give out as prizes.

Players as a whole shouldn't be forking out.



Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:45pm
Yep Great comp mrs b :up

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:46pm
And she donated 1% of what i gave out of my own...

But thanks for pointing that out, i obviously wasn't ungrateful was i.



Post Count: 1
Respect: 307 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:50pm
haha see if i use the computer to scramble my words agaIN..I used a scrambled word'll just do my own..thanks guys for the :up .... and sorry if some letters were missing a majority of u guys did a great job dispite the missing letters..



Post Count: 0
Respect: 9 [+] [-]
19 Jun 2009 11:53pm
well she is entertaining and she is doing a great job at it and people are showing her there appreciation for it so no it dont matter where the prizes come from as long as there here to hand out and ill donate another rm here real soon because there are people here who do decearve it and i wanna give something back to the game its not about you or me as one but it is about the game in hole :)

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