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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Just a reminder

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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
25 Jun 2009 05:50pm
Just a reminder for those of you that have been here for a while, and an FYI for the newer players.
There are three very important rules of this game that we are often questioned about and users are often banned for claiming that they didn't know them, here

they are.

1. Account piloting is NOT allowed in this game.

Account piloting is defined as follows: Allowing someone access to your account for the purpose of collecting dailies while you are away, assistance in training stats, or leveling on your behalf. NO ONE should ever been given access to your account for any reason.

There seems to have been an increase of people doing this to the point that it needs to be addressed.
If you are found to be piloting someone else's account You may be banned for it.

2. Same IP transfers are NOT allowed in this game.

Same IP transfers are defined as follows: Transferring Items/money/points from one player to another while on the same network or sharing the same internet connection. Basically if you can reach out and touch the person you would like to send the items to or if that person is on the computer downstairs/opposite room it's probably a bad idea to send to them.

Same IP transfers are seen by the staff, when you do them they show up as brightly as if you had fired a flare in the air. Be warned This activity could also result in a ban and/or loss of the property that was transferred. We love to tax offenders!

3. Multiple accounts are NOT allowed in this game without prior approval from a GM or Admin. If you love this game so much that you would like to get your brother,sister,cousin,mom,dad,aunt,uncle,grandma,Steve the guy down at the gas station that you talk to often but cant really understand why he's hanging out at your house all the time involved please alert a member of staff (GM or ADMIN) and they will be happy to manage the account creation for you. This way the proper account notes will be added and you will not appear as an unauthorized multi who risks being banned.

If you have any questions about any other aspects of the game please refer to the following links or ask a member of staff.

Also a final suggestion:

Please make certain that you are using a secure password. A secure password is usually made up of characters other than standard letters or numbers. A mixture of letters numbers symbols or even spaces will insure that you do not become a victim of an account hacker.

When creating a password there is an indicator beneath the password creation box that will display how secure the password is. If it indicates that your password is weak please select a different password. If it indicates that your password is strong then you are most likely safe against account intrusion.

Thank you.

Terms Of Service (Rules)

Game Guide

molez rulz


Post Count: 0
Respect: -4 [+] [-]
25 Jun 2009 05:52pm
DAMN!!!!! molez does not rule... he needs 2 get poker working :-z

[Γ] Waluigi


Post Count: 1
Respect: 174 [+] [-]
25 Jun 2009 05:53pm
I Love you Revco <3


Post Count: 23
Respect: 800 [+] [-]
25 Jun 2009 05:56pm
yeah poker! :up :up :up

Tia Halibel


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
25 Jun 2009 05:56pm
lol 8) :up



Post Count: 0
Respect: 1 [+] [-]
25 Jun 2009 06:01pm
Dammit Rev!

I just made 4 multi accounts for nothing!
:roll: :-z



Post Count: 0
Respect: 634 [+] [-]
25 Jun 2009 06:10pm
Lol unlucky little "Guy" 8)

Kelsk Bunny 4sale


Post Count: 0
Respect: -4 [+] [-]
25 Jun 2009 06:18pm
Common Sense :up

-BatShitCrazy- For Sale

Post Count: 0
Respect: 11 [+] [-]
25 Jun 2009 06:33pm
Quote by RevCo:

molez rulz



Post Count: 0
Respect: 13 [+] [-]
26 Jun 2009 12:24am
:up molez ftw!



Post Count: 0
Respect: 634 [+] [-]
05 Jul 2009 03:00pm
Quote by C0bra:
:up molez ftw!

:up :up :up :up

Chocolate Addict


Post Count: 0
Respect: 2 [+] [-]
08 Jul 2009 09:12pm



Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
25 Jul 2009 04:25pm


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
11 Sep 2010 01:24pm




Post Count: 0
Respect: -1 [+] [-]
11 Sep 2010 10:05pm
fuck u

Death Bunny

Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
21 Feb 2011 09:41pm
poppa boner da xp sella :up


Post Count: 0
Respect: 79 [+] [-]
18 Mar 2013 08:03pm
Be even better if he wernt banned himself :lol:



Post Count: 223
Respect: 107 [+] [-]
28 Nov 2014 05:31am

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