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Forum >> News and Announcements >> READ ME

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06 Aug 2009 03:19pm
Greetings fellow mobsters!

Once again I come before you with a heavy heart.

Apparently some of you "newer" mobsters and even some of the O.G. players are having trouble with accounts being "hacked" due to unsecure passwords.

First let me explain that this is NOT a hack by definition. When your password is set in such a way that all someone need know is your favorite brand of icecream to take over your account it hardly requires any tools of the "hacker" trade, and frankly I think any true hacker would be offended by the use of the term.

With that having been said I beg you I BEG YOU PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A SECURE PASSWORD!

When your account is taken over because of a lame password it is not the fault of staff, we don't choose your passwords and cannot be held accountable for your losses if your account is taken.

Guidlines for passwords are as follows

1. Make sure it's at the very least 6 characters in length

2. Use Alphanumeric values. throw in some symbols. make a game out of it. ex: How can I spell revco using more than just letters? ah!! 12evC0

3. Use the password strength indicator. It's an excellent tool. If it says your password sucks then it most likely does suck.

4. Don't use things that are familiar to you or your "m8's",chances are if you anger them they will eventually take advantage of this.

If you give your password away to a "friend" don't come in to help accusing them of hacking your account. It will make a big mess at the end of which you will most likely both be banned. Save yourself the trouble.

If you lose bad at 50/50 don't throw a fit and post your password in forums/gangmail/pm/notice board, I've found that 99.9% of people that do this regret it later.

If you have any questions regarding this please ask a world leader, We are here to help in any way possible and would prefer to assist before you have a problem rather than once you've lost everything.

Thank you.


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Respect: -4 [+] [-]
06 Aug 2009 03:21pm



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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
06 Aug 2009 03:23pm

Murder Bunny - Awesomeness


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
06 Aug 2009 03:23pm
my pasword is qwerty :down

[Γ] Waluigi


Post Count: 1
Respect: 174 [+] [-]
06 Aug 2009 03:24pm
my pw is I23vc0


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
06 Aug 2009 03:27pm
Mah password is ilickpussey :p



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Respect: 3 [+] [-]
06 Aug 2009 03:28pm



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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
06 Aug 2009 03:50pm

[NCW] napo


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
06 Aug 2009 05:25pm
my password need to need to know around 5 languaje to and that i said this wil change to 6 :D :D :D

[-N-] Pancake Bunny Rented


Post Count: 0
Respect: 22 [+] [-]
06 Aug 2009 06:06pm

Hitman Chris


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
06 Aug 2009 06:52pm
:up :up



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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
06 Aug 2009 07:36pm
Quote by napo:
my password need to need to know around 5 languaje to and that i said this wil change to 6 :D :D :D

thats including his own retarded language....



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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
07 Aug 2009 03:25pm
Quote by Kuntree:
Quote by napo: my password need to need to know around 5 languaje to and that i said this wil change to 6 :D :D :D thats including his own retarded language....

Priceless. :o


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
08 Aug 2009 01:01am
If you lose bad at 50/50 don't throw a fit and post your password in forums/gangmail/pm/notice board, I've found that 99.9% of people that do this regret it later.

Lmao who the fuck would do that?

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