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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Upcoming October Events

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03 Oct 2009 02:27am
October Events

October is a fun month,

What with Halloween at the end of it. I figure, what the hey! You guys should have some Halloween fun too. Here are a couple things you guys should look forward to seeing this month :up.

Costume Contest

Dressing up for Halloween isn't just for the kiddies :up. The way this costume contest will work is people dress up their profile to the theme they're dressing up as. (For example, if you wanted to 'Dress up' as Jigsaw from the Saw Saga you might put various guts and gore pictures in your profile, and some sayings from the movies etc.)

- You don't need to change your name.
You can just put who/what you are on the top of your profile.

- If you want to enter send me a message.
I, and a few mystery judges, yet to be determined, will go through the profiles and pick 3 winners. We'll announce the winners by Nov. 3rd, or so.

- Be original.
Seeing 5 'Zombie Costumes' will be pretty blah.

- Follow Game Rules.

First prize will win 500 points, second prize will win 300 points, and third will win 100 points.
You must have your name in by October 30th to be considered. You have to message me.

Halloween Mugfest

YAY! free monies! But will there be tricks involved with my treat to MC2?

When: October 31st, 2009.
Time: I'm hoping for around 4PM - 8PM Game time. More detail with the time will be given as the date draws nearer.
Quantity: At least $20,000,000!
Prizes: Yet to be determined. (Expect something for 1st, 2nd and 3rd mug. Also various random mugs.)

As I said, these are the ones to expect and get ready for. As we get more into October expect to see some more Halloween themed events and competitions. Though they may not always be published in the news, you will be able to find on the spot updates on the October Competitions on the Competitions Page.

Happy... October?:P

Tiny Bunny


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03 Oct 2009 02:28am

Sunglasses Bunny


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Respect: 112 [+] [-]
03 Oct 2009 02:29am
:up :up

Dopeboy is GOD


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Respect: 70 [+] [-]
03 Oct 2009 02:30am
spidey rocks! :up


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03 Oct 2009 02:31am

[XBX] FuckedUpBunny 4pts


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03 Oct 2009 04:04am
Ill dress up as catwoman :roll:

Doctor WHO


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
03 Oct 2009 04:07am
i was planning on bein jigsaw again



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Respect: 1 [+] [-]
03 Oct 2009 10:09am

im on holiday on the mugfest ffs lol

HaaZe BuNNy


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Respect: 8 [+] [-]
03 Oct 2009 12:36pm
Quote by Catwoman Rented:
Ill dress up as catwoman :roll:

how original however did you think of that lmao :roll:

R T Leon


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Respect: 4 [+] [-]
03 Oct 2009 12:53pm

[XBX] FuckedUpBunny 4pts


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03 Oct 2009 04:54pm
I just go dressed up, come check out my costume! :p



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03 Oct 2009 07:37pm
If you guys are playing on the internet on halloween night..... It's time to put the mouse away and go outside for the 1st time in months


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04 Oct 2009 11:04am
Quote by Curly:
If you guys are playing on the internet on halloween night..... It's time to put the mouse away and go outside for the 1st time in months

If you notice I said the mugfest will be from 4 - 8 PM in the after noon game time, I'm hoping I can do 4PM to suit both me and everyone else
No events are being planned for Halloween night :P.

care_bear bunny


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04 Oct 2009 02:03pm
I am making my profile a Halloween one :D

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