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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Point Sent

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05 Oct 2009 01:51am
Point Send

Good evening

Heres how this will work;
You guys send me 1 point at a time, as many times as you'd like. . At the end I'll do a random number generator to pick out a page in my events, and then another one to pick a lucky winner! :)

Note: If you send more than 1 point at a time it will be considered a donation for future events :D.
Now, the last time I did this competition it was when it was my morning, to my afternoon. This time it will be right before I go to bed until I get home from school tomorrow. (Giving people about 15 or so hours. Too lazy to do all the math :P)
The amount of points I have right now has been jotted down :up.
The winner will receive 75% of the total amount of points. The other 25% will be put towards future events :up.




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Respect: 1350 [+] [-]
05 Oct 2009 01:51am


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05 Oct 2009 01:53am
Since I'm off to bed in a moment I can't exactly do a intricate event, but I'm also trying to spice up the times when events occur.

Tomorrow there will be a fresh event :up


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05 Oct 2009 01:56am



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Respect: 4 [+] [-]
05 Oct 2009 02:02am
doing a great job spidey!! :up

hardbass bunny


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Respect: 2 [+] [-]
05 Oct 2009 07:11am
Havnt you done this already ? Like exactly the same thing only a coupel of days ago ?



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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
05 Oct 2009 08:51am
Does it matter?

Great job Spidey :)


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
05 Oct 2009 10:46am
Quote by Pendulum Bunny RENTED:
Havnt you done this already ? Like exactly the same thing only a coupel of days ago ?

Like I said, if I do a Pointsend its because I'm trying to mix up the events happen, but still have events.
This way people in far off time zones from mine can still get in on a competition without needing to be online during the news post.
This is also one of the few funding competitions I have to run every week or so, that way I'm not going to run out of points for competitions.
I also said above, after the winner is announced I'll be doing a competition/reminding people of the competitions currently running.

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