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18 Oct 2009 07:35pm
Picture This!

Greetings inhabitants of MafiaCrime,

Spidey here with another competition! In this competition I will give you a list of random objects. You have to take 1/one photo with as many of the objects as you can. Each object listed has a value, as you will see. In the end, the person who has the highest value of objects will win. There will also be a runner up prize for hilarity :).

List Of Objects:

- A Spork [5]
- A Coffee Mug [3]
- A Bic Lighter [5]
- A Light bulb [2]
- A Lamp Shade [6]
- A Toe [8]
- An animal of some sort [10]
- A Platypus [15]
- A Lemom [3]
- A Politics Magnet [7]
- A Granfather Clock [9]
- A Book of Matches [4]
- A Dictionary [2]
- A Calculator [5]
- A Drinking Straw [10]
- A Napkin [4]
- A Frisbee [6]

Theres a lot to choose from here. ;)

For Example, if your picture had a Spork, a Toe and a Lampshade in it, you score 5+6+8=19 Points.

You Must Include: Your Ingame name and ID.
Do Not Use: Photoshop, or any other photoediting programs.
This will run for 2 weeks, then I will go through the entries and tally up the scores. The winner will receive 1,000 Points.

Be Creative!

Post Entries Here!

Murder Bunny - Awesomeness


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
18 Oct 2009 07:41pm


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
18 Oct 2009 07:43pm
If you don't want 1,000 points you don't have to try, then :up


Care bear bunny

[Sï¿] Bezerk


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Respect: 13 [+] [-]
18 Oct 2009 07:45pm


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
18 Oct 2009 07:54pm
psst thats a foot not a toe xD

care_bear bunny


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Respect: -1 [+] [-]
18 Oct 2009 08:21pm
lol, my brother was a jackass and kept putting his hand in the picture or soemthing like that, so i said put a foot in it! :D

and it has a toe :p



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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
18 Oct 2009 09:01pm
What is a lemom?



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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
18 Oct 2009 09:01pm
What is a lemom?


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
19 Oct 2009 01:12am
a Lemon*

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
19 Oct 2009 07:42am
Il do it when i get home =]



Post Count: 47
Respect: 28 [+] [-]
19 Oct 2009 09:13pm



Post Count: 47
Respect: 28 [+] [-]
19 Oct 2009 09:13pm
OMG ... it's HUGE :shock:


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
24 Oct 2009 12:55am
Over/winner - MissChaos

care_bear bunny


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Respect: -1 [+] [-]
24 Oct 2009 12:27pm
Well done Chaos :up

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