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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Halloween Winners

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31 Oct 2009 10:17am
Hey There!
Spidey here with your various Halloween winners!

MS Paint:

With a very outstanding picture, the winner is..

His Entry:


Congratulations :)!
You have successfully sent 200 points to Shaded Bunny.

The Costume Contest

We had some great entries this year, some bad entries, and entries that made me /LOLIRL.
I've narrowed it down to three winners, first place, second place and third place. They are...

First Place
userbar - As the all original Ghost!
You have successfully sent 500 points to Care_Bear Bunny.

Second Place
userbar - As the one and only, Kate Gosselin. (This would be the one that made me /LOLIRL.
You have successfully sent 300 points to Kate Gosselin.

Third Place
userbar - As Catwoman, time and effort definitely put into this costume.
You have successfully sent 100 points to Catwoman 3pnts.

Create a Consumable

Again, I apologize. The list is being narrowed ever so slowly, but its taking more time than originally planned. I'm hoping to nag brad into picking one soon :P.

The Mugfest

The mugfest will still be taking place at 4PM - 8PM Gametime, I'll probably be a nice guy, since its Halloween, and give you guys a heads up before time. I won't be buying out, I won't be moving around. First mugger will get 250 points, second mugger will get 175 points and the third mugger will get 100 points. The last mugger to get any money before I bank (I usually bank around 100k.) will also get 150 points.

Mugfest Fund: $20.000.000


Thank you to all those who have traded with me, you guys are the ones who made this happen :up.

Lastly, Happy Halloween!
For any of those youngsters going trick or treating, stay safe. And for those headed to parties, drink responsibly, and for those passing out treats themselves, scare the crap outta the kids first! :-z
*Cough* I mean..

- Spidey

Next Month: More variety competitions, less long term competitions, and the $1,000 Sale.

care_bear bunny


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Respect: -1 [+] [-]
31 Oct 2009 10:19am
Yay, I won! Thanks! :D

Hitman Chris


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
31 Oct 2009 10:22am
Congratz Care :up :up

Hitman Chris


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
31 Oct 2009 10:22am
Congratz all :D

R T Leon


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Respect: 4 [+] [-]
31 Oct 2009 10:23am
congrats carebear :up and :up to spidey..:)


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
31 Oct 2009 10:24am
This was the first actual month for me.
Like a trial run, you could say.
I'm thinking max 1 or 2 competitions a week, and maybe 1 long term lasting the entire month.
October was a hecktic month :P.

care_bear bunny


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Respect: -1 [+] [-]
31 Oct 2009 10:26am
Thanks! :D

Cunning Stunts


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Respect: 1 [+] [-]
31 Oct 2009 11:16am
shaded moon/bunny = female :up

KaptaiN DoM


Post Count: 5
Respect: 223 [+] [-]
31 Oct 2009 11:29am
congratz all :up


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
31 Oct 2009 12:28pm
Quote by Immortall.:
shaded moon/bunny = female :up

Apologized in a PM to her.
Its a force of habit :(


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
31 Oct 2009 04:10pm
lol These were great spidey :)


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Respect: 40 [+] [-]
31 Oct 2009 05:21pm
Great job Spidey :)

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