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Forum >> Help >> Wazo Bin Collections

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11 Jan 2010 09:57pm
Ok, so basically me and my gang are saving up money to all get houses (2 SI's and 2 Mansionettes)

So what im doing is taking any spare items/points/cash you DONT want.

Ill sell it on through items market via my gang and getting my gang more cash for our houses.

Remember, you dont HAVE to donate anything, so all you haters, just shush and dont say anything if you have nothing relevent or nice to say :up

Mail me if your sending cash so i can get ready in the ward


(also, you will be put on our gang page so we can all rate you daily, not much, but its something in return :D)


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
14 Jan 2010 02:45pm
Housing stuff over, im no more a bin man ;)

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