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Forum >> News and Announcements >> General reminder

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Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 03:49pm
For anyone who thinks its ok to personally insult or abuse another players family.

Yes i know this a mafia game and pretty much most things are allowed to happen in the game play.

But here is a warning to all that abuse, use racism, or personal attacks about a players family will not be tolerated in the general forum or mail or on there profiles.
It is the lowest of the low and is completed not needed or tolerated here.
Like i said it is a general warning to all and if it occurs measures will be taken.

Flirts Obsession.

[dmsuse additions]

You are only allowed one account.

Please remember to make sure your password is secure and can't be guessed easily

Advertising for other games is not allowed, anyone caught will be perm banned

If you have any problems feel free to mail me

Ms.New Booty


Post Count: 0
Respect: 1 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 03:52pm

i agree



Post Count: 0
Respect: 4 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 03:52pm
what if i talk about my own family :o



Post Count: 0
Respect: 96 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 03:55pm

redsox, i bet you have no problem talking shit about MiS :P J/K



Post Count: 0
Respect: 221 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 04:00pm
Meeper me completely agrees!! if someone has a problem with someone I say they keep it on the game and off personal issues >.< it's just plain rude when they refer to people's personal life

[TU] Forkin Buckwheat


Post Count: 0
Respect: 215 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 04:02pm
yep bans are in order for that :up 8)

[OMG] .mm~~mm.


Post Count: 0
Respect: 205 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 04:05pm 8)

Eric Northman


Post Count: 0
Respect: 6 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 04:29pm

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 04:42pm
Awww why do i never get threads in news for myself. :roll:

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 04:47pm
If im a slut in real, does that mean anyone slating me as a hoe is bannable?

If im ugly in real does that mean that anyone saying im ugly is bannable?

How do we define whats a personal insult, and what isn't?

Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 05:05pm
you dont define anything! a member of staff does that. i can assure that all members of staff will...

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 05:28pm
Right, so whats the difference between being called a slut, bitch, whore...on forums and on contacts...

And someone calling out rl life...

I'm pretty sure all insults are rl...?


Clearly all staff members DONT, they only pick and chose :up

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 05:33pm
OMGGGGGGGG your rl life is sucky...

OMGGGGGGGG you are such a fucking slut...

Difference please?

Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 05:35pm
Respect: Using serious verbal abuse (including racism) towards other players; whether through mail/forum/newspaper or on a mobsters profile is strictly forbidden. The definition of "verbal abuse" will be defined by the members of staff not the players.

^^ in case you didn't understand my first statement, here Is a section of the TOS..

will be defined by the members of staff not the players

The Whip


Post Count: 0
Respect: 200 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 06:01pm
ou usually find that the ones who do abuse people onhere and the net in general are those who dont have much about them anyway-
easiest rule to remember is that if u cant say it to their face dont bother saying it at all :up



Post Count: 0
Respect: 567 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 06:07pm
Should have been done a long time ago. :up Thanks for this reminder, I hope some people will pay attention to it.

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 06:31pm
Quote by Flirts Obsession:
Respect: Using serious verbal abuse (including racism) towards other players; whether through mail/forum/newspaper or on a mobsters profile is strictly forbidden. The definition of "verbal abuse" will be defined by the members of staff not the players.

^^ in case you didn't understand my first statement, here Is a section of the TOS..

will be defined by the members of staff not the players

Right so basically, if its your friend, then the players that are insulting will be banned, if it isn't then ... we will lol with you.

I get it, thanks for summing it up perfectly.



Post Count: 1
Respect: -83 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 06:57pm
you're all a bunch of poo poo heads :D

Shut Up

Post Count: 0
Respect: -9 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 07:16pm
This reminds me of when I was in elementary school and people would do something immature. Then the teacher would sit down the whole class and remind everyone what they did was wrong.

Wow, I didnt think I was going to have to go through that again :|

Game Trader

Post Count: 0
Respect: -20 [+] [-]
10 May 2010 07:28pm
I think that is kinda what FO is talking about! Someone needs a time out! :down

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