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Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
27 May 2010 08:40pm
It's been awhile since a competition here,
and you guys do deserve comps wish i could do more..
heres a small competition for you guys.

you have 10 clues to 10 mobsters that all can be found in the
top 20 gangs on the gang list.
what i need from you is for you to find me these guys by the
clues and MESSAGE me with the answers. not post in this thread. PM to me. userbar

all answers to be sent in the form of the mobsters ID
in a user bar. like so ---> userbar all 10 answers together not individually!!!
any other way of sending to me will not be accepted and ignored.
The first person to send me all 10 correct answers will receive 500pts.
so good luck and enjoy..:D

1. This mobster will bring you the end of the world?
2. This mobster was shot in the back?
3. This mobster you have to flush?
4. This mobster will eat you in your box?
5. This mobster tracks down the little guys?
6. This mobster cuts his way through any jungle?
7. This mobster helped win the battle of Britain?
8. This mobster is the large fish in his gang?
9. This mobster was once known as Anakin?
10.This mobster will shoot you with flowers whilst
playing a guitar solo?

Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
27 May 2010 08:42pm
do not post here.. read the comp rules...



Post Count: 30
Respect: 599 [+] [-]
27 May 2010 08:43pm
*facepalm* :-r

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