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Forum >> Gangs >> Revived "mockery" of MiS recruiting!

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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
02 Mar 2011 01:24am
Okay, I am the leader of MiS and I was once a member of the old MiS, but they sold and I am trying to remake it. I will accept anyone as long as you 1)Pay all your bunnies and punnies.
2)Respect your gang mates.
3)Try to help your gang mates as much as you can. and thats about currently. I'm still trying to get things in order, so it will be unorganized for a bit.

Dailies :)


Post Count: 0
Respect: -1 [+] [-]
12 Apr 2011 01:51am
MiS didn't sell, douche rag- they retired.



Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
10 Jul 2011 04:55pm

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