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Flirts Obsession


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Respect: 25 [+] [-]
21 Apr 2011 05:25pm

Yet again here is another warning to people that want to do a Account trades/sales/swaps/give aways. YOU MUST USE A MIDDLEMAN. A gm or admin will do this for you, message them or go into chat on help channel and speak to one of us. If you do not use a middleman and you get scammed/cheated out of your cash/account you WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY HELP RECOVERING YOUR CASH/ACCOUNT

We have had many scammers show there ugly heads lately, and are getting away with things as some people are silly enough not use a middleman, we have even had banned accounts sold to people that have been banned for weeks, please guys see sense and USE A MIDDLEMAN.

New account 10018


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
21 Apr 2011 05:30pm

Skittles :)

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Respect: 1 [+] [-]
21 Apr 2011 05:39pm
:roll: :up



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Respect: 7 [+] [-]
21 Apr 2011 10:02pm
if there was enough staff to handle to task.. :down

fbmc has 1 admin and 3 GM 1 FM and 1 entertainer.. yet the other servers only have 1 or 2 GM and they are always on at the same time.. so when they are off theres noone for many hours..

[A1E] RAM3


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Respect: -4 [+] [-]
21 Apr 2011 10:28pm
and what if you cant get a gm/admin? or you set up an appointment and the gm dont show up.. or the gm's/admins ignore your request?



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Respect: 29 [+] [-]
21 Apr 2011 11:41pm
who would buy a banned account???



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Respect: -1 [+] [-]
22 Apr 2011 11:43pm
That's a lot to ask for seeing that staff aren't ever on and this is a GAME. I don't feel like waiting in the chat room for 2 and a half hours for an admin or GM to log on only to be told the person I'm trading with has to wait 28 days. :down

Flirts Obsession


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Respect: 25 [+] [-]
23 Apr 2011 12:45pm
your choice, but dont come crying to us when you get scammed :angel:



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Respect: 4 [+] [-]
24 Apr 2011 11:10pm
and what if you go to help several times, no one is on and finally 4 days later you have an admin on who tells you they don't need to oversee it, just do it? i'm not having a go at you flirtsy but that's what happened to me and that person has since then been banned from all mc's AND i was not entirely happy when my trade was done. :s



Post Count: 30
Respect: 599 [+] [-]
25 Apr 2011 07:04am
What red said .. I had money to buy her account .. You guys waited so long that all the money I was gonna use to buy her account is now gone .. FUCKING FOOD MONEY!


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
15 May 2011 01:42am
:up :up

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