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Forum >> News and Announcements >> New Staff Chosen

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Post Count: 0
Respect: 205 [+] [-]
15 Aug 2012 02:35pm
Might still add some more

We decided to have a move around on staff to make sure those that are staff are dedicating their time to mc2. To make sure mc2 does not get neglected as they are staff on the other servers.

Some were not happy about this and cared more about power and their ego than the games success which is fine. But My priority is to keep mc2 fun and active and to make sure staff and not neglecting this server over another.

With the staff we have now mc2 should be well staff and well looked after as people will have the time to dedicate to it.

Thanks all

[tHï] lady AT WAR


Post Count: 124
Respect: 9246 [+] [-]
15 Aug 2012 02:45pm
I thought you had to actually apply for staff lol



Post Count: 0
Respect: 205 [+] [-]
15 Aug 2012 02:49pm
ryan told me to make you entertainer, i assumed you talked to him about it ?

[tHï] lady AT WAR


Post Count: 124
Respect: 9246 [+] [-]
15 Aug 2012 03:01pm
lol..nope :D



Post Count: 0
Respect: 205 [+] [-]
15 Aug 2012 03:05pm
funny stuff

bunny tim

Post Count: 0
Respect: -32 [+] [-]
15 Aug 2012 03:08pm
Good choice on Nissan and Rogue. :up



Post Count: 21
Respect: 258 [+] [-]
15 Aug 2012 03:20pm
Akeno Bunny wrote:
Good choice on Nissan and Rogue. :up

Dopeboy is GOD


Post Count: 0
Respect: 70 [+] [-]
15 Aug 2012 03:58pm
im always active. i have expierence staffing text based game.

-Che Guevara-


Post Count: 0
Respect: 3 [+] [-]
15 Aug 2012 05:06pm
"Some were not happy about this and cared more about power and their ego than the games success which is fine."


Meaty Tex


Post Count: 1
Respect: 2023 [+] [-]
15 Aug 2012 05:19pm
I know i'm a bit late here but been away for a while.

I would like to apply to be an entertainer/event organiser

An outline of my plans if successful are as follows:

1. Bring back awards
2. Hold regular colour wars.
3. Royal rumble: Basically 10 players have successive hours to kill and at the end the one who got the highest moth is the winner.
4. Regular 5 way one hour battles. 5 players in the same hour have to get most kills.
5. Weekly number generator comp. Closest guess at the end of the week wins, unless someone gets it right.
6. With all these new comps, i will be needing winners banners designed, these will come through a banner comp just before every comp.

7. Another idea that I have although not sure how it would work yet is a re-referrals comp where people can win prizes for bringing the most old players back.

I have no experience in this but as I say I will give it a damn good try.

The Whip


Post Count: 0
Respect: 200 [+] [-]
15 Aug 2012 07:29pm
personally i think the game needs a shake up to bring it in line with mc1 and perhaps bring in server to server trades (should stop a lot of scamming) no one like change but it seems to have done a fair bit of good on mc1 so i think it would on here.
Anyway, thats my two penneth worth and good luck to all who apply for staff positions :up
(or in Ladys case, good luck to those who didnt apply :lol: :lol: )

[DG] -Assassin-


Post Count: 118
Respect: 4169 [+] [-]
15 Aug 2012 07:35pm
Thanks for choosing me to be a GM, and I will do my best to see it goes well. If any problems, just msg me.

Thanks for the compliments as well.

frank pais RIP


Post Count: 0
Respect: 604 [+] [-]
15 Aug 2012 10:28pm
[tH�] lady AT WAR


Post Count: 794
Respect: 12997 [+] [-] 15 Aug 2012 02:45pm
I thought you had to actually apply for staff lol

not sure if thats funny or awful sad ?



Post Count: 0
Respect: 4 [+] [-]
16 Aug 2012 01:06am
-Che Guevara- wrote:
"Some were not happy about this and cared more about power and their ego than the games success which is fine."


oh yes forum mod has just tons of power and when did "kurts" hold a staff position here? way to be a fuckin ass and start personal shit in a news announcement...make your own thread if you have something to say dickhead....
congrats to those of you that are staff now i wish you well of it.



Post Count: 4
Respect: -32 [+] [-]
16 Aug 2012 11:40am
Rouge? GM? :lol:

Never seen him online... :lol:

Dopeboy is GOD


Post Count: 0
Respect: 70 [+] [-]
16 Aug 2012 11:50am
hire me .. i got some cool ideas like how about we have top 3 gang in city and obviously top 1 runs the city. same thing for top 3 members of city which will be determined on the members overall stats. gang wars - gang can start a gang war with another gang (if gang is not in war prior to this.) gang fight lasts 1-3 days. winner is determined on kills. while in a gang war members can leave or join. gang crime - infiltrate gang: infiltrate any gang of your choice; this consist of 5 men go in join gang, get i

Dopeboy is GOD


Post Count: 0
Respect: 70 [+] [-]
16 Aug 2012 11:55am
message me if you want more details.



Post Count: 0
Respect: 205 [+] [-]
16 Aug 2012 03:39pm
lastbunny wrote:
personally i think the game needs a shake up to bring it in line with mc1 and perhaps bring in server to server trades (should stop a lot of scamming) no one like change but it seems to have done a fair bit of good on mc1 so i think it would on here.
Anyway, thats my two penneth worth and good luck to all who apply for staff positions :up
(or in Ladys case, good luck to those who didnt apply :lol: :lol: )

that would be the best thing for mc2, but nobody wants it

Just a Bunny


Post Count: 0
Respect: 691 [+] [-]
16 Aug 2012 03:42pm
-Che Guevara- wrote:
"Some were not happy about this and cared more about power and their ego than the games success which is fine."


lets see you're a non-payer on here and got hit all the time because of it and then you send her all sorts of dirty mails because you got all butt hurt and then try to say she is abusing her power :lol: so tell us all how a forum moderator can abuse her powers here? did she ban you from the forums or something :lol:

you really are a joke with your accusations..damn fucking kids :lol:


Post Count: 0
Respect: 300 [+] [-]
17 Aug 2012 04:17am
I've got a list of shit for you to do molez but since you've been ignoring me for 3 days in regards to it...

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