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Forum >> News and Announcements >> NEW CRIME NEW CAR AND NEW BOMBS!!!

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Respect: 432 [+] [-]
05 Apr 2013 10:20pm
Okay guys, we have a new crime! "Collect Protection Money!"

Molez also changed the title for the 210 crime.
More crimes will be coming soon.

COST: $30,250,000

And!! We now can purchase SCATTERBOMBS!!!
The bombs will be located in city of Minneapolis for the price of 55million! Get to bombing!

Also, the comp for new items has ended and the thread is locked. After the new items are chosen, the winner will be announced and the items will be coded into the game. I am still working on the prizes for the winners. We may also use some of the ideas in the future - but for now just expect new items to be out this weekend!

p.s. I also know that brad is working on updates to the donations page, and hopefully this will be finished soon. The update will allow for players to purchase RMs and point packs in quantities, instead of the current one at a time method. I hear he's trying to make it possible to also pay on mobile (but this may just be a rumor ;) )


EDIT: HITLIST payouts have been fixed as well!!
and if you missed the update yesterday - Med Certs are also fixed.


Post Count: 0
Respect: 2004 [+] [-]
05 Apr 2013 10:29pm
:D :up

[heg] 11001


Post Count: 0
Respect: 280 [+] [-]
05 Apr 2013 10:31pm
You have bought a Civic :up


Post Count: 0
Respect: 80 [+] [-]
05 Apr 2013 10:34pm
:down :angel: <3 :p

Clint Eastwood

Post Count: 0
Respect: 832 [+] [-]
05 Apr 2013 10:35pm



Post Count: 0
Respect: 1350 [+] [-]
05 Apr 2013 11:43pm
The new crime gives you less xp per nerve than the one before it



Post Count: 0
Respect: 432 [+] [-]
06 Apr 2013 12:01am
The 210 crime gives me 40,500 exp

The 250 crime is +45,000...

MC1 Trader

Post Count: 0
Respect: 148 [+] [-]
06 Apr 2013 12:09am


Post Count: 0
Respect: 2004 [+] [-]
06 Apr 2013 01:27am
Big Thank you to the Gm's who do their best for us players to enjoy the server with new updates. :up :)



Post Count: 0
Respect: 1350 [+] [-]
06 Apr 2013 03:26am
Luna Bunny wrote:
The 210 crime gives me 40,500 exp

The 250 crime is +45,000...

40500/210 = 192.85 xp per 1 nerve
45000/240 = 187.5 xp per 1 nerve

I know what im talking about

i get
8100 210 = 38.57 xp per 1 nerve
9000 240 = 37.5 xp per 1 nerve

I am thankful they are giving us new crimes but arent the newer ones supposed to give better xp per nerve?



Post Count: 0
Respect: 432 [+] [-]
06 Apr 2013 03:29am
I see what you are saying William, but as we all know, sometimes thing are just new, not better ;) lol

I'll look into getting it upped a bit, but I make no promises. :)



Post Count: 0
Respect: 1350 [+] [-]
06 Apr 2013 03:31am
I see, im going to analyze all of the crimes to see which gives the best xp per nerve and ill tell everyone which is best



Post Count: 0
Respect: 432 [+] [-]
06 Apr 2013 03:34am
William Bunny wrote:
I see, im going to analyze all of the crimes to see which gives the best xp per nerve and ill tell everyone which is best

That would be awesome! :D
Could you please post your results in Gen Chat so everyone can see?



Post Count: 0
Respect: 432 [+] [-]
08 Apr 2013 10:10pm
For those wondering - yes the new items are coming. The delay is my fault. I hope to have things squared away by this evening (for me anyhow). Then will get to work on getting them added to the game.



Post Count: 21
Respect: 258 [+] [-]
09 Apr 2013 12:01am

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