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Post Count: 0
Respect: 205 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 12:53pm
Post your most favorite suggestion here.

Or provide a link to the suggestion ill try and get it done


[☠] Vegeta Bunny


Post Count: 70
Respect: 404 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 12:59pm
mafiacrime app for phones.

[ToC] My Name Goes Here


Post Count: 309
Respect: 2403 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 01:13pm
Buster of the Hour :p

[B*M] BladeTheBunny


Post Count: 159
Respect: 2532 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 01:14pm
Point market for items

A roulette table game

Auto refill nerve

Put black jack higher stakes along with lucky boxes

Put lucky dips better payout and you can buy a few per day

Add more jobs with extra cash make the pay go in to your bank

Fix pet trains because you added to useless houses

Add a bigger city every 3-4 weeks with an extra crime

Should be alloud to buy points and items from your gang vault

Fix pet spy logs

And add spy gang vault < would be cool

Add a cross server trader on to menu like if i wanted 10k to mc1 i add it to the list go off some one matches it because the want it here the game takes 10% of the trade no one gets scammed everyone is happy

Im out of ideas lol

*Wickedly Inked*


Post Count: 0
Respect: 403 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 01:38pm
A new house

*Wickedly Inked*


Post Count: 0
Respect: 403 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 01:39pm
And I like that cross server trade thing that sounds wicked

[BBI] TunaSalmon


Post Count: 228
Respect: -71 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 01:40pm
Mr.Johnson wrote:
A new house

: up :up

Mista Grimm Sr.


Post Count: 14
Respect: 1214 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 01:56pm
Mr.Johnson wrote:
And I like that cross server trade thing that sounds wicked


New account1221


Post Count: 0
Respect: 51 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 02:03pm
Bank transfers to other mobsters

[GK] Vyper


Post Count: 48
Respect: 1833 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 02:26pm
Fix the 'in menu' option for missions.....loved that thing! :up

New city for sure

A point and cash server trade option would be nice considering the amount of trading taking place daily, 10% trading fee to the game on all trades is not much to complain about for simplifying the task and putting an end to all these ridiculous ratios...maybe even for items to (cant say I've ever seen that option anywhere before) for a set fee of course

Fix the sell link in vault so items can be sold from vault to game

option to sell items on market for points

Randomly add points, items, cash or even stats to my account at each update....much better than a 'random event' that rarely happens ;) (this is not a suggestion, its a must!)

And anything shiny!

Silver surfer


Post Count: 1
Respect: 184 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 02:27pm
BladeTheBunny wrote:
Point market for items

A roulette table game

Auto refill nerve

Put black jack higher stakes along with lucky boxes

Put lucky dips better payout and you can buy a few per day

Add more jobs with extra cash make the pay go in to your bank

Fix pet trains because you added to useless houses

Add a bigger city every 3-4 weeks with an extra crime

Should be alloud to buy points and items from your gang vault

Fix pet spy logs

And add spy gang vault < would be cool

Add a cross server trader on to menu like if i wanted 10k to mc1 i add it to the list go off some one matches it because the want it here the game takes 10% of the trade no one gets scammed everyone is happy

Im out of ideas lol

all of above :)

Chimp #2


Post Count: 0
Respect: 319 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 03:32pm
Points machine no point having just a cash one and not a points one :up



Post Count: 0
Respect: 2274 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 03:37pm
get a notification when someone quote you on forum

[cre] Senix


Post Count: 0
Respect: 65 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 03:38pm
BladeTheBunny wrote:
Point market for items

A roulette table game

Auto refill nerve

Put black jack higher stakes along with lucky boxes

Put lucky dips better payout and you can buy a few per day

Add more jobs with extra cash make the pay go in to your bank

Fix pet trains because you added to useless houses

Add a bigger city every 3-4 weeks with an extra crime

Should be alloud to buy points and items from your gang vault

Fix pet spy logs

And add spy gang vault < would be cool

Add a cross server trader on to menu like if i wanted 10k to mc1 i add it to the list go off some one matches it because the want it here the game takes 10% of the trade no one gets scammed everyone is happy

Im out of ideas lol

this kid ha been waiting for a long time for this new announcement lol

All please

[tHï] lady AT WAR


Post Count: 124
Respect: 9246 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 03:41pm
showing who rated..saves on +1 mail
and more advertising..
again, we need new players..not traders from other games..
must be a million sites on the net to post some ads..
and i don't know how to make links to do it :-r


Post Count: 0
Respect: 208 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 03:56pm
You should post a video singing us good morning and good night every day molez



Post Count: 0
Respect: 21 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 04:06pm
well I think the points of inactive should go into the lottery pot because personally id rarther have there points xD also points in item market...

Jbs The Man

Post Count: 4
Respect: 88 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 06:49pm
Bank transfers Shouldn't be aloud as stops people being mugged

[§] LU5T...


Post Count: 0
Respect: 456 [+] [-]
20 Jul 2013 11:36pm
BladeTheBunny wrote:
Point market for items

A roulette table game

Auto refill nerve

Put black jack higher stakes along with lucky boxes

Put lucky dips better payout and you can buy a few per day

Add more jobs with extra cash make the pay go in to your bank

Fix pet trains because you added to useless houses

Add a bigger city every 3-4 weeks with an extra crime

Should be alloud to buy points and items from your gang vault

Fix pet spy logs

And add spy gang vault < would be cool

Add a cross server trader on to menu like if i wanted 10k to mc1 i add it to the list go off some one matches it because the want it here the game takes 10% of the trade no one gets scammed everyone is happy

Im out of ideas lol

:up :D

Spunk MouthWash.


Post Count: 0
Respect: 47 [+] [-]
21 Jul 2013 12:02am
losT)(Lu5t wrote:
BladeTheBunny wrote:
Point market for items

A roulette table game

Auto refill nerve

Put black jack higher stakes along with lucky boxes

Put lucky dips better payout and you can buy a few per day

Add more jobs with extra cash make the pay go in to your bank

Fix pet trains because you added to useless houses

Add a bigger city every 3-4 weeks with an extra crime

Should be alloud to buy points and items from your gang vault

Fix pet spy logs

And add spy gang vault < would be cool

Add a cross server trader on to menu like if i wanted 10k to mc1 i add it to the list go off some one matches it because the want it here the game takes 10% of the trade no one gets scammed everyone is happy

Im out of ideas lol

:up :D

:up :up :up :up :up :up :up :up :up :up :up :up :up :up :up :up :up

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