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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Last update before I start sending out compensation

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[OUT] LunaDinky


Post Count: 0
Respect: 263 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2013 08:20pm
Ok - here's what I have:

19,602,000,000 is what was originally in the vault due to 990 snowballs that were sold.

17,268,068,327 is what was recovered.

Each player will get back 17,442,493 per snowball that they paid for. I am sorry - the last ET spent the rest in a way I can't get back. I can not recover it - so this is the best that I can do.

I will get started shortly and send out the money as each person is online and the amounts are calculated.

Again - my apologies for his actions. I hope this helps. I know some people will be angry and ask how come we just don't make up the rest. We don't just magically put money into the game and I wouldn't support that. However, I do hope that getting most of your money back is satisfactory. It could have been worse. ;)


Post Count: 0
Respect: 196 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2013 08:27pm
At least they are getting something, good job :up



Post Count: 4
Respect: 869 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2013 08:47pm
:up :up :up :up

[OUT] LunaDinky


Post Count: 0
Respect: 263 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2013 09:04pm
Please message me as you come online and I will work with you to get the $$ back to you. :D

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