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Forum >> News and Announcements >> ID 6 Raffle Reminder

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[OUT] LunaDinky


Post Count: 0
Respect: 263 [+] [-]
18 Sep 2013 06:07pm
Ok, lots of messages wanted the account ID raffled... now we are low on entries.

Cmon peeps - ID 6 is one of the lowest possible IDs you can have. And it can be yours for only 5000 points :O :O :O

[OUT] LunaDinky


Post Count: 0
Respect: 263 [+] [-]
19 Sep 2013 07:12am
Bad news guys - Molez doesn't work for cheap and won't move the account for the low amount of entries we have.

I will leave it open for two more days. If entries don't improve during that time, then I will return the points.
There was more interest, but apparently not. We don't have MCBay on mc2 so raffle is the only way to go. If the interest isn't there, it just won't be held.
Sorry guys.



Post Count: 498
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
20 Sep 2013 01:11pm
this game is dieing plz understand that :lol: :lol:

Rabid Bunny


Post Count: 0
Respect: 22 [+] [-]
20 Sep 2013 11:14pm
molezy my love give me that account :P don't need anything buy my money and points transfered over :P

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