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Forum >> News and Announcements >> New Items

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[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
03 Aug 2014 10:11pm
New items are out, they increase your stats by 50%, cost $10,000,000,000 each and can be bought from North Hampton. Enjoy :up


Post Count: 0
Respect: 153 [+] [-]
03 Aug 2014 10:14pm
<3 <3 <3 <3

10 bil is fucking absurd

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
03 Aug 2014 10:22pm
<3 <3 <3 <3

10 bil is fucking absurd


Mista Grimm Sr.


Post Count: 14
Respect: 1214 [+] [-]
03 Aug 2014 10:44pm when is this horse shit happening?

udk wrote:
Hi all

Just to let you know what's going on lately...

I've started work on a new code base for MC, including making it easier on the eyes - call it a recode if you will.

What I'm looking for from you is what part of MC you'd most like to change or add to. Can be something that's small but been bugging you for years or a larger update that would spice the game up. The best ideas (chosen by myself and other staff) will be given prizes! - and of course added/changed in the "new MC". This can be absolutely anything including graphical changes.


Disclaimer: if the ideas are copied from suggestion forum credit will be given to the original proposer, so please either try to be unique or hunt down your previous ideas.

But, thank you for the equipment, even if it is severely overdue and overpriced. I'm betting the next house will cost close to 75bil and 100kpts :lol: :lol: , just one more nail in the MC coffin.

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