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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Referral

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[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
20 Aug 2014 09:29pm
Not going to do a referral comp because those hardly ever work out. But I am going to do an on-going thing for the foreseeable future.

If you refer someone and they get to level 100, mail me with their ID and I'll send you 500 points.

That's all really. Get referring. :up

Karmas a bitch


Post Count: 4
Respect: 1917 [+] [-]
20 Aug 2014 09:30pm
something needs to change here for them to stay. same shit never anything to keep people playing.

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
20 Aug 2014 09:42pm
Nissan GTR wrote:
something needs to change here for them to stay. same shit never anything to keep people playing.

Everyone needs to get to chat and nag Brad, only way I can see him doing anything :lol:


Post Count: 111
Respect: 58 [+] [-]
21 Aug 2014 02:51am
Brad will say... I will get to it later, but than many days goes never happens. Brad is all TALK and no action.... like the saying goes... action speaks louder than words!!!

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