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Forum >> Suggestions >> Make the jobs worth it?

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Rating: 4 [+5 -1]


Post Count: 41
Respect: 9 [+] [-]
06 Dec 2014 04:09am
Or at least create an actual objective you have to achieve that is worth it rather than just 'having' a job and getting minimal benefits



Post Count: 223
Respect: 107 [+] [-]
12 Dec 2014 01:48am
We get enough money as it is :P


Post Count: 41
Respect: 9 [+] [-]
12 Dec 2014 10:21am
Just annoying that it's a pointless feature now that everything is extreme



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2015 09:08am
I agree, something should be done with it.. but we get something for nothing :/



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
25 Feb 2015 08:25am
I have a suggestion for jobs, make them have objectives kind of like missions like you can do 1 job an hour and let's say if your a hit man you have to go kill somebody in a high city (maybe a bot, and you have to be a certain level to get into that city and decent stats to kill them so it already knocks out the level and stats needed for the job) or you could make them daily.. :p better payouts would be awesome also, you could do this with gang crimes too..

[-T-] BloodHound

Post Count: 2
Respect: 27 [+] [-]
23 Mar 2015 01:58am

[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
11 Nov 2015 06:34am

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