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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Gang businesses

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[TET] udk


Post Count: 32
Respect: -2 [+] [-]
04 Jan 2015 11:11pm

Check that link at update (in 50 mins) and you'll be able to purchase the new gang businesses! There are only three available, so you need to act quick.


Post Count: 87
Respect: 665 [+] [-]
04 Jan 2015 11:12pm



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
05 Jan 2015 03:34am



Post Count: 127
Respect: 2495 [+] [-]
14 Jan 2015 01:23am
when are theses businesses gonna start paying out? My gang has had one of the new businesses for 9 days and haven't earned a single point yet.

[tHï] lady AT WAR


Post Count: 124
Respect: 9265 [+] [-]
14 Jan 2015 01:23am
same here :(



Post Count: 106
Respect: 116 [+] [-]
14 Jan 2015 01:24am
Same here! but i sold it to TH, but i still need to get paid for lost days.

[tHï] Terry Mardy


Post Count: 169
Respect: 1059 [+] [-]
14 Jan 2015 01:24am
+ You told me to remind you about this and i did..



Post Count: 127
Respect: 2495 [+] [-]
15 Jan 2015 12:39am
so it got fixed today, but what about all those days it didn't pay out? Do we just lose out?



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
15 Jan 2015 01:02am
We had it for two days so you owe ETB 1.5bil brad :p

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