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Forum >> Suggestions >> Prison fights

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Jungle The Monkey


Post Count: 1
Respect: 149 [+] [-]
19 Jan 2015 05:01am
When you're in prison, have the opportunity to fight other prison mates. If you lose you get an extra 5 minutes, if you win you get out.



Post Count: 58
Respect: 55 [+] [-]
21 Jan 2015 08:41pm
Been to prison a few times and to be fair, it's the same in real life - If you beat the shit out of someone your sentence just gets wiped and you get let free



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
22 Jan 2015 09:34pm
:lol: :lol:

Ace of Spades.


Post Count: 7
Respect: 7 [+] [-]
23 Jan 2015 12:21am
Crazy Dolphin wrote:
Been to prison a few times and to be fair, it's the same in real life - If you beat the shit out of someone your sentence just gets wiped and you get let free

erm no you dont, you get extra time.



Post Count: 58
Respect: 55 [+] [-]
23 Jan 2015 12:00pm
It was a joke... and most of the time you don't you just get put in solitary.



Post Count: 223
Respect: 107 [+] [-]
25 Jan 2015 11:01am
Very logical idea!
I've seen prison shows people get out! good idea :O


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