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Forum >> General Chat >> Refill Nerve Buttons

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Rating: 2 [+2 -0]

[ToC] My Name Goes Here


Post Count: 309
Respect: 2403 [+] [-]
15 Apr 2015 08:32am
Could we possibly get the buttons like MC1? It sure would help when leveling. I'm tired of this server being placed on the "back burner". Give us something exclusive that would make this server unique once in a while and stop giving MC1 all the good shit.

CE Bunny FOR SALE 50k MC1 pts


Post Count: 107
Respect: 646 [+] [-]
15 Apr 2015 04:35pm
At least make mc2 as good as mc1

their get out is, oohhhh but mc1 and mc2 are different

which essentially means brads too fucking lazy to port over the changes to mc2

[ToC] My Name Goes Here


Post Count: 309
Respect: 2403 [+] [-]
15 Apr 2015 06:36pm
CE Bunny FOR SALE wrote:
At least make mc2 as good as mc1

their get out is, oohhhh but mc1 and mc2 are different

which essentially means brads too fucking lazy to port over the changes to mc2

I agree, But if they want to bring some people over/keep some people here we need to be equal.



Post Count: 172
Respect: 925 [+] [-]
15 Apr 2015 08:15pm
I'd like the new jobs and nerve buttons. They can keep their green bank buttons


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