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Forum >> Gangs >> TCS Recruiting

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Karmas a bitch


Post Count: 4
Respect: 1917 [+] [-]
04 Nov 2015 12:01am

TCS is recruiting active members that want to play a game. We do not want players just here to trade or people that just want to make friends. We will attack, mug or kill whenever we have a chance to and expect to get hit back. Do you like to use mail, scatter, car, or house bombs? Go ahead we will help. We just want to have fun. Our only rule is to protect your gang. Everyone that plays has someone they call a friend but that is no reason not to attack. If they have a problem because you do tell them to hit back. Maybe just maybe they will like it and start moving this game forward. So many on here act like they are the next revolution but sit back and do nothing. We want to change that. Look around at what gangs are doing. Then watch what we can do.

Mista Grimm Sr.


Post Count: 14
Respect: 1214 [+] [-]
04 Nov 2015 12:12am
:up :up

[BBI] EaglesxLegend


Post Count: 156
Respect: -114 [+] [-]
04 Nov 2015 03:14am

Karmas a bitch


Post Count: 4
Respect: 1917 [+] [-]
09 Nov 2015 07:32pm



Post Count: 8
Respect: 419 [+] [-]
09 Dec 2015 06:29am

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