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Forum >> Suggestions >> Highest EXP earner today prize to low?

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[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
02 Dec 2015 09:36pm
Never really cared to look at this but now that I'm focusing on leveling maybe this should have been brought up a long time ago.

Highest EXP earner today is currently [B.M] Mr. Montana with 752,218,747 EXP
Winner will receive 100 points

Maybe it should be increased a little to 1k pts or more Make it something everyone wants? Doing this would make it a little more worth going after it?

[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
02 Dec 2015 09:58pm
Also maybe something that Shows who you are competing against? like me coming in Rank 1 with 752 mill exp, Udk right under me with 700 mill exp and Sneaky under him.



Post Count: 63
Respect: 354 [+] [-]
02 Dec 2015 10:00pm
Thats a lot of coding for not a lot of results, plus we get way more from the missions

[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
02 Dec 2015 10:03pm
Not really at all!! Lol Its as simple as Copy and paste he already did the coding for MOTH. Its pretty much a simple as combine some of moth codes with Exp Code and Done.

After you wasted 30k on points, and over 6 bill on Certs I ask you would you be interested in receiving 100 pts? Honestly Who even cares about that award maybe time to update it and spice it up so people get more motivated to care??

I would Gladly Do it if I had the power to.

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