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Forum >> Off-Topic Chat >> Is it Safe to keep our Money our banks?

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[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
05 Dec 2015 02:16am

[BBI] EaglesxLegend


Post Count: 156
Respect: -113 [+] [-]
06 Dec 2015 06:24am

[PND] evilwam420 4sale

Post Count: 55
Respect: 139 [+] [-]
08 Dec 2015 03:56am
i work at for a bank, and a scary fact 95% of the money across the world is digital or on some sort of promissory note. The remaining 5% is in the form of physical cash, which are again promissory notes but it can be treated equivalent with value because it is universally accepted.

[PND] evilwam420 4sale

Post Count: 55
Respect: 139 [+] [-]
08 Dec 2015 03:58am
and as for the SAR its a way to track for AML (anti money laundering) and ATF (anti terrorist funding)

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