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20 Nov 2008 10:26pm
Bunny List Rules!

Ok so after many suggestions to have a bunny listing it was created. Once it was created there followed many complaints about it. In order to make the bunny listing fair and to keep it easy to use we have decided to make some simple rules about being on the list.

1. Str and Def Must be lower then 10k 25k! separately to qualify.
2. You're price must be less the 50pts.

Its really simple guys. All MC member who try and do not meet those requirements will be removed by either myself or Other GMs

You will lose the $1,000,000 bunnylist fee.

Any questions and or concerns should be directed to Myself or KevG2 (not other staff members)

Updated Nov 20th

[RED] Buckeye Bunny

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Respect: 66 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:27pm
:down STUPID!



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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:27pm
shit, it was fine as it was

[MMA] Bruce Lee


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:28pm

[TrK] Selling for 100 pm if u want


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Respect: 1 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:28pm
its good we'll have more bunnies but it will be hard for people who newly starting to this game i think...

[SAD] ~INBOUND~4sale


Post Count: 22
Respect: 280 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:28pm
not bad +1

Border Patrol


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20 Nov 2008 10:29pm
Vulgar, it shouldn't be 25k... that makes it hard for lower level bunnies.

Also, wouldn't it be "lower than" not "lower then"?
I figured the mighty GM could spell :)

Robot Bunny

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Respect: 13 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:32pm
thats just stupid, as now their will be loads of people who place themselfs on their with their stats in the 20ks, 10k was enough without making it 25k :down :down :down :down :down

Dirty Princess


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:32pm
Why is it 25k now and not 10k? the only people complaining were people who wanted to be on the list. *cough*bratbunny*cough* :shock:

Sabaku No Temari


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20 Nov 2008 10:34pm
i don't know there are some really fast bunny'z with 10 stre and 10 def, that will be disqualified. that really isn't fair


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:34pm
10k was fine, cough* bratbunny fucked up so rules must be changed

Dirty Princess


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:36pm
Quote by Hillary Clinton Bunny:
i don't know there are some really fast bunny'z with 10 stre and 10 def, that will be disqualified. that really isn't fair

speed doesn't count, it's just strength and defense that have to be less than 10k. I mean 25k.



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20 Nov 2008 10:36pm
This has nothing to do with brat.. it is on mc1 aswell.. there has been numorus threads about it with people complaining.. I can't please everyone.

So it will stay here and never be raised again.

[-BR] ScareBunny


Post Count: 1
Respect: 230 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:37pm
:down :down :down :down :down :down :down :down :down :down :down :down :down :down :down :down


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Respect: 300 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:37pm
i think all bunnies shud be made 2 go on that list at least they wood get paid

Dirty Princess


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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:39pm
Quote by Vulgar:
This has nothing to do with brat.. it is on mc1 aswell.. there has been numorus threads about it with people complaining.. I can't please everyone. So it will stay here and never be raised again.

Was their a vote/poll on it?

[SRï] Peng Express


Post Count: 10
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:40pm
:up Nice



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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:53pm
There does not have tobe a vote poll lol...

I think 25 is fair.. it gives new people a chance to figure the game out a bit and decide what they want to be.

Some bunnies have a vaild pt. So we will try it here and see how it goes...

[Sï¿] Bezerk


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Respect: 13 [+] [-]
20 Nov 2008 10:53pm
thank you

Bloody_Bunny 5pt


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20 Nov 2008 10:57pm
:up :up :up cool 8)

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