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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Account selling / Trading / Passwords

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Respect: 205 [+] [-]
21 Jan 2009 02:43pm
Everyone please make sure your password is secure, (dont have your password the same as your username)

Remember if you dont use a GM or admin when trading or selling accounts you will lose your account if anything goes wrong because we wont help you, only GM's or admins can help you trade.

Also NEVER trade with someone that has a scammer tag.

Also go to edit account and make sure your email is correct and up to date.

[NCW] napo


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Respect: 25 [+] [-]
21 Jan 2009 03:15pm
first :up :up :up i too was now tried to sell my account



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Respect: 31 [+] [-]
21 Jan 2009 03:20pm
Dang I seen unread news and thought it might be a new house LOL



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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
21 Jan 2009 03:51pm
i mean what kind of noob would do that : lol :up

Luigi Bunny


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Respect: 5 [+] [-]
21 Jan 2009 08:39pm've posted something similar to this on the other servers before :) Maybe someone stole someone's account password?

Luigi Bunny


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Respect: 5 [+] [-]
21 Jan 2009 09:00pm
Create a strong, memorable password in 6 steps
Use these steps to develop a strong password:

Think of a sentence that you can remember.
This will be the basis of your strong password or pass phrase. Use a memorable sentence, such as "My son Aiden is three years old."

Check if the computer or online system supports the pass phrase directly.
If you can use a pass phrase (with spaces between characters) on your computer or online system, do so.

If the computer or online system does not support pass phrases, convert it to a password.
Take the first letter of each word of the sentence that you've created to create a new, nonsensical word. Using the example above, you'd get: "msaityo".

Add complexity by mixing uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers.
It is valuable to use some letter swapping or misspellings as well. For instance, in the pass phrase above, consider misspelling Aiden's name, or substituting the word "three" for the number 3. There are many possible substitutions, and the longer the sentence, the more complex your password can be. Your pass phrase might become "My SoN Ayd3N is 3 yeeRs old." If the computer or online system will not support a pass phrase, use the same technique on the shorter password. This might yield a password like "MsAy3yo".

Finally, substitute some special characters.
You can use symbols that look like letters, combine words (remove spaces) and other ways to make the password more complex. Using these tricks, we create a pass phrase of "MySoN 8N i$ 3 yeeR$ old" or a password (using the first letter of each word) "M$8ni3y0".

Test your new password with Password Checker.
Password Checker is a non-recording feature on this Web site that helps determine your password's strength as you type.

Hollister Boy

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Respect: 0 [+] [-]
21 Jan 2009 09:10pm
:up Almost had problems with that before :p

[S&B] snakenbacon


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
21 Jan 2009 10:28pm

[NCW] napo


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Respect: 25 [+] [-]
27 Jan 2009 03:43am
imap my password said that is the best

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