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[GNK] Gunk

Post Count: 8
Respect: 241 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 02:30am
kk soes...

I was able to recover most everything from the vault raid the other day, however, will not be returning the items to that particular gang. Instead, I am going to return them to the individual players accounts in the order that they were donated preceding the raid. If you do not get back an item that you donated, it was either previously disposed of, or another action occurred.

Thanks and Have Fun!!

CE Bunny FOR SALE 50k MC1 pts


Post Count: 107
Respect: 647 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 02:41am
Hang on a minute?

if a player raids a vault wtf has that got to do with an admin? That is ingame action and has bugger all to do with anyone other than the players involved.

If you give someone keys to your vault and they stiff you, be more careful about it next time.



Post Count: 121
Respect: 102 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 02:56am
TUNA still thinks it was RED scamming her own gang :lol:



Post Count: 640
Respect: 313 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 03:23am
:lol: I do



Post Count: 294
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 03:48am
Peralta wrote:
TUNA still thinks it was RED scamming her own gang :lol:

I guess red speaks and Gunk jumps.
Multi my arse, she gave vault access and got shafted (non sexually of course)

[BBI] *(P)etey (R)ogue*


Post Count: 68
Respect: -72 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 03:57am
Fucking Dart on TMU has that happened to him 3 times lol we never get shit back lesson lesrned to bad he didn't learn his, sadly to say i lost a year of points cash and items in 2 of his gangs and why i never joined another or let him access to anything but gang mail lol i wouldn't give shit back, that persons fault and nature of the game, just like trading and you get scammed for points cash or anything your fault it shouldn't be looked down on or get accounts banned, thats the nature of mafaism lmfao



Post Count: 640
Respect: 313 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 04:00am
Don't give it back give it away random late chrismas events :) :up

[DG] Akeno Bunny


Post Count: 137
Respect: 2050 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 04:57am
*(P)etey (R)ogue* wrote:
Fucking Dart on TMU has that happened to him 3 times lol we never get shit back lesson lesrned to bad he didn't learn his, sadly to say i lost a year of points cash and items in 2 of his gangs and why i never joined another or let him access to anything but gang mail lol i wouldn't give shit back, that persons fault and nature of the game, just like trading and you get scammed for points cash or anything your fault it shouldn't be looked down on or get accounts banned, thats the nature of mafaism lmfao

What is this TMU. Can you post a link?

[GNK] Gunk

Post Count: 8
Respect: 241 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 05:22am
MR Cold wrote:
Peralta wrote:
TUNA still thinks it was RED scamming her own gang :lol:

I guess red speaks and Gunk jumps.
Multi my arse, she gave vault access and got shafted (non sexually of course)

That's Bullshit, the only reason why I recovered anything this time is that there was some other shit behind it that you guys did not see... had nothing to do with any particular player(s) or whom they might be.

This leads me to another thing, which i will make another post about :up

CE Bunny FOR SALE 50k MC1 pts


Post Count: 107
Respect: 647 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 06:03am
Gunk, what's next?

If Cold steals exp from me and I complain you going to take it back off him?

GM or not, this is a fuck-up and quite simply is a misuse of the powers of your position.



Post Count: 294
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 06:40am
Gunk wrote:
MR Cold wrote:
Peralta wrote:
TUNA still thinks it was RED scamming her own gang :lol:

I guess red speaks and Gunk jumps.
Multi my arse, she gave vault access and got shafted (non sexually of course)

That's Bullshit, the only reason why I recovered anything this time is because Red whinged and puts brad in a volvo and not a toyota.
This leads me to another thing, which i will make another post about :up

As i said before, i can feel a "no more picking on people post"
which leads me to this




Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 07:13am
As much as I hate red, I don't like online bullying. Unless of course it is pointed at one of my enemies so in this case it's cool.. by that I mean the fucked up shit about red, which in fact Gunk, anyone who knows anyone here knows somewhat of what happened. Unless there is something deeper than that. As long as people aren't doxin each other we are good :p

[=V=] DatBoi Stoopid


Post Count: 329
Respect: -5 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 07:19am
So where has the money and points from the vault gone?



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 07:23am
~VenoM~ wrote:
So where has the money and points from the vault gone?

[=V=] sponge


Post Count: 91
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 09:32am
CE Bunny wrote:
Gunk, what's next?

If Cold steals exp from me and I complain you going to take it back off him?

GM or not, this is a fuck-up and quite simply is a misuse of the powers of your position.

i totally agree

KaptaiN DoM


Post Count: 5
Respect: 223 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 09:44am
If this was someone else , i bet the admins wouldnt do shit , its just that red is a massive spender and they want to keep her spending :lol:

CE Bunny FOR SALE 50k MC1 pts


Post Count: 107
Respect: 647 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 09:49am
For me this isn't about WHO is involved, it is the fact that off his own back Gunk has decided to fuckaround with player accounts. This happened years ago when a gm went into someones account and took points out to give to someone over non paying I think it was

it was bullshit then, and it is bullshit now.

Sorry Gunk, you are a decent guy but this is a fuckup.

The Gambling Legend


Post Count: 169
Respect: -1 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 10:27am
Red Had nothing to do with this :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Gambling Legend


Post Count: 169
Respect: -1 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 10:33am
Peralta wrote:
TUNA still thinks it was RED scamming her own gang :lol:

He could be right also... No1 actually knows :lol:

why im not Blaming any1 anymore :angel:



Post Count: 640
Respect: 313 [+] [-]
29 Dec 2014 11:01am
Guy I'm 100% right u have to be drinking the red kool aid not to see this shit scam this is the semiconducting some bullshit happened in reds gang first was the TAI housing fund rip off job now it's the my vault was some how hacked and stolen reds on 24/7 there's no way he didn't see that shit going down .. And the so called thief the guy on the grassy knoll was. Level 1 ?? Fuck me

Don't give it back if I had a gang vault and gave 5 people perms that's on me I fucked up I should be the one to eat the cost

If a guy breaks in to take your tv unless you know his pawn shop your tv is gone bro fucking gone lol

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