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Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 07:33pm
The Nominees!
Please note that these are in order by ID # and not by amount of votes. (ID # makes for faster and easier counting/adding)

These are the top 5 nominees in each category voted by you the mc2 players.
You have 5 days to vote who you wish to see win in each category, please send the votes to either
userbar or userbar. Please remember you must vote for at least 3 or more categories,
voting for individual categories or sending 1 vote at a time will be ignored. All rules apply from previous threads made and must be complied with. including no voting yourself or campaigning for votes.
So remember you only have 5 days to register your votes, so please lets get cracking and have some fun choosing your winners.
Winners will be announced on or around 1 year anniversary of MC2.

P.S. It would be mostly appreciated if you send the persons your voting for against the category name, makes it so much easier for us to copy and paste.. thankyou

Best World Leader

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Best Male

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Best Female

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Best Male Bunny

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Best Female Bunny

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Funniest Male

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Funniest Female

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Biggest Forum Whore

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Prison Buster

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Best Mugger

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Most Hated Mobster

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Most Loved Mobster

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Best Non-Payer

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Worst Non-Payer

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Best Gang

1. gangbar -
2. gangbar -
3. gangbar -
4. gangbar -
5. gangbar -

Best Collector

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Best Protector

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Most Annoying Mobster

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Best Banner Maker

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Best Avatar

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Best Page

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Biggest Bully

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Biggest Gambler

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Most Helpful Player

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -

Best Newcomer

1. userbar -
2. userbar -
3. userbar -
4. userbar -
5. userbar -



Post Count: 0
Respect: 634 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 07:39pm
Well done everyone!! I know who my votes are going for!! = ]



Post Count: 0
Respect: 634 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 07:39pm
not to be smug, but I was going 4 new-comer/mugger..


Post Count: 0
Respect: 2 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 07:41pm
lol, no-one likes me :'(

haha, i dont really care anyway about something like that

[F+S] 5276

Post Count: 0
Respect: 2 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 07:42pm
WTF??? when i get on the list ?? ROFL

[=V=] Valkerie1986

Post Count: 5
Respect: 177 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 07:43pm
thank u to everyone/whoever nominated me thanx very much was not expecting that ( WOW) :D


Post Count: 0
Respect: 2 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 07:43pm
^Biggest Forum Whore haha!

silk bunny


Post Count: 0
Respect: 10 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 07:44pm
Who voted for me .. at all :S

anyways, thanks every one who did :D

I know who I'm voting for :o

[~] Phantom


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 08:01pm
Can you vote for yourself?


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 08:12pm
i must b at least on the list for best non payer :up



Post Count: 30
Respect: 599 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 08:30pm
Quote by Phantom:
Can you vote for yourself?

No. The same rules apply from the first round.

Also, you don't need to do the user bar for voting. it would actually help if you simply sent only the ID # for faster counting.

KaptaiN DoM


Post Count: 5
Respect: 223 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 08:40pm
lmao at the lancealot bunny in best buster

Prison (busts): 461


that reputation for you

i know who my votes are going to :D

bub the zombie


Post Count: 1
Respect: 180 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 09:15pm
Whoever nominated me for biggest gambler, thanks for the points, and the vote :up

in other words, enjoy the points :|

[T2C] IRR_Bunny


Post Count: 0
Respect: 21 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 09:30pm
Congratz on everyone who made it :D

And w0000t, best female bunny ;)

[Sï¿] Bezerk


Post Count: 0
Respect: 13 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 09:36pm
Enjoy your little poularity contest :roll:



Post Count: 0
Respect: 9 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 10:00pm
MRS_B has said to take her off the nomination

[NCW] napo


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 10:32pm
:up :up :D :D :-r :-r vote 4 :D :D



Post Count: 1
Respect: 307 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 10:48pm


Post Count: 0
Respect: 2 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 10:51pm
wtf how can i be up for best and worst non payer? :S ...LOL


Post Count: 0
Respect: 2 [+] [-]
06 Sep 2009 10:52pm
welcome back MRSZZZZ B! :up

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