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Magic fiend

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10 Dec 2009 10:33am
traning stats.
no to train stats it is best to have full so you get more per energy.
traing stats are very importat because people can ward you much easier.
what stats are the best to traine?
first traine your defence.
defence is the best you can trane..
why is that?because if you have a high defence you have a higer risk of not being warded.

the second one to traine is strenth,
strenth is how strong you are and if you have a higer strenth than the other oponet you can kill him but you also need good defence.
make sure you have your defence higer than your strenth.
speed. speed is not realy needed but if you have a higer speed you may hit the opnet first..
how can i traine these?
well you just need to go to gym and click traine
if you have alot of points the you can refil your energy and traine again as many times as you like.
or you can also can go to jobs they give you a little stat..
go to those links for more help

Magic fiend

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10 Dec 2009 10:34am also go there to get your enregy up

Magic fiend

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10 Dec 2009 10:36am
very sorry about the spelling key board is broken..

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