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Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 01:16pm

Gattling Gun Raffle


Would you like to be the proud owner of the first Gattling Gun on MC2?

No other Gattling Guns will be on this server, for months to come.

I am running a server raffle, the winner of the raffle will receive the Gattling Gun, it will cost you 200pts to enter, you are allowed to enter as many times as you wish. Please send all entry fees in points only and send them to me only, userbar
All entries will be numbered in order of receipt, and will be placed on my profile, then after a period of time (to be determined) i will do a random number generator, and the winner will be announced and receive the prize.
There is one proviso, that the gun is not allowed to be sold onto another party, it has to be owned and used by the winner only, there will be no profiteering for the winner, anyone that sells it would lose the gun completely. But you would be allowed to place it in your gang vault and allow others in your gang to use, but only on a loan basis, no selling or giving away, this way even bunnies would like to win it. :D
The proceeds of the raffle will go towards the 1 billion dollar mugfest.
So come on guys get spending and win a great prize, that no one else will have on MC2, for many along while. It might just give you that extra strength to kill the person who you most wish to beat on here. Good luck guys. :D



Post Count: 0
Respect: 31 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 01:17pm
whoo hoo

[SRï] Peng Express


Post Count: 10
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 01:17pm
Damm... you had to do this after I just fed my MC2 pet all my pts :(

[SRï] Peng Express


Post Count: 10
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 01:18pm

[=V=] Machete


Post Count: 0
Respect: 173 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 01:28pm
:up :up



Post Count: 47
Respect: 28 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 01:45pm
when does the raffle end?

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 01:46pm
Someone buy me one =P

Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 01:49pm
still to be determined chaos, depending on the billion mug, and how well the tickets sell...but it wont be to long i should think.. :D

[†] CherryRed


Post Count: 49
Respect: 15 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 02:33pm
How biased will this raffle be? Because i know that alot of people will be fucked off if i was to win it.

If the events totally legit il enter, aint sure how you can prove that factor though.



Post Count: 0
Respect: 223 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 03:21pm
It's about time!!! :up

Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 03:49pm
lmao the raffle will not biased in anyway, it will be drawn by a random generator just the once, and that will be the winner.
if you cant believe that will be done exactly as i have said, then please don't enter.
and any bitching afterwards on who has won, will just be given the big ignore button. :D

William Kilgore


Post Count: 2
Respect: -11 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 04:08pm
Quote by Flirts Obsession:
lmao the raffle will not biased in anyway, it will be drawn by a random generator just the once, and that will be the winner.
if you cant believe that will be done exactly as i have said, then please don't enter.
and any bitching afterwards on who has one, will just be given the big ignore button. :D

So you've already decided the winner? I'd say deciding that the first person to enter wins is pretty damn corrupt. LOL :p

Flirts Obsession


Post Count: 0
Respect: 25 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 04:12pm
lol.. my damn spelling.. :(

[EB] Cardiac Arrest


Post Count: 0
Respect: 55 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 06:08pm
Awesome! :up I want a gat.

Game Trader

Post Count: 0
Respect: -20 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 08:01pm
Flirt is not a cheat! :up :up :up :up :up

Haitian Mafia


Post Count: 2
Respect: 39 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 08:22pm
lol.. my damn spelling.. :roll:



Post Count: 0
Respect: 634 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 09:42pm
I bought one ^^

[pjp] teegar


Post Count: 0
Respect: 676 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2010 11:39pm

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