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Respect: 300 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 05:04am
MC3 Compensation

Dear players, after giving out MC3 compensation for about a week (6 days) we are no longer giving it out. If you haven't claimed it by now, then obviously you weren't an active enough player there to realize it was even shut down. For those of you that weren't able to claim it - sorry!


OK, so before the update I was in the middle of running a stats comp (winner receives unbeatable stats for 24 hours), but I decided we might as well redo this since there are so many more players now.

Rules are simple - post here in this thread why you think you deserve them, and give me one good example of what you would use them for - messages sent to my mailbox will be deleted/ignored.

Winner will be announced in a day or two.

[B*M] BladeTheBunny


Post Count: 159
Respect: 2532 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 05:08am
i would like to apply for the gm space ive been playing these games for many years and know pretty much everything about them im very helpful and know what im talking about ive been gm on a few games before i would like the chance to be one again :)

Homicidal tendencies


Post Count: 0
Respect: 1163 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 05:09am
I don't deserve it at all, I would just go around killin for no reason. but, awesome job you have done Ryan, thank you sir

-Dark Bunny- For Sale PP


Post Count: 0
Respect: 199 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 05:09am
Well Ryan,
I think that i deserve the uber stats because i have been with MC no for 6 years. I am respected among the MC Players and i also respect them. i will use these stats to fight off the unliked and unwanted. maybe use them to make a profit here or their every once in a wile. but over all i would like these stats to make MC a more active and enjoyable place.
Thank you,

Clint Eastwood

Post Count: 0
Respect: 832 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 05:10am
i wanna get the stats for 24 hours, go around and ward the whole server :D



Post Count: 0
Respect: 89 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 05:10am
I'm a simple man. I'd use the stats to keep anyone above my level warded as much as possible. These levels would help me greatly and also help my gang. A downside is that people might get mad at being warded a lot and move to higher city/go inactive for a bit. ;)



Post Count: 172
Respect: 925 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 05:11am
I want the stats to do mass leveling, but i gotta work most of the time so I would only be able to use em for like 5 hours :p

Sneaky retired


Post Count: 44
Respect: 1160 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 05:11am
just to fucking kill people.


Post Count: 0
Respect: 300 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 05:14am
Blade wrote:
i would like to apply for the gm space ive been playing these games for many years and know pretty much everything about them im very helpful and know what im talking about ive been gm on a few games before i would like the chance to be one again :)

erm, wrong thread?


Post Count: 0
Respect: 11 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 05:20am
Fuck you, fuck the thread and fuck the stats :lol: :angel:

Bc I just told you to go fuck off :lol:


Post Count: 0
Respect: 28 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 05:43am
I want the uber stats because i would make it useful and get many people angry over a game! I always enjoy pissing people off so this would do a great trick


Post Count: 0
Respect: 208 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 05:57am
my little brother has cancer and he has 2 months to live his only wish was for me to have the best stats at mc2 even if it was just for one day dont do this to him make his wish come true :(


Post Count: 0
Respect: 3 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 06:02am
Why do I deserve uber stats?

To be honest, I don't think one player deserves free uber stats over any other player. I would love to have your stats at my low level. I would really appreciate it, and become a lot more active. I have played the game for many years now, and have maintained HoF accounts in the past, but have none at the moment.

What would I do once I gained such massive stats?

To be honest I would become a huge bully, but not for no reason. I would send many people to the hospital. I would do my best to maintain high stats. I would extort players, and gangs. I would join or start wars. I would play the game the way it is meant to be played. Many people would be killed for exp offline by me. If they complain I hit them online instead. I would remain loyal to my gang, and protect its members. I would start doing missions.

To sum it up, I would rock out with my cock out.

I don't like to beg, but for these free HoF stats I will beg.

[BBV] Frankaloid

Post Count: 0
Respect: 282 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 06:21am
i want them cuz you all fucking suck. and ima perma ward everyone for the week so i can no longer play the game when the stats get removed :)

Kapture Bunny


Post Count: 1
Respect: 529 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 06:47am
Homicidal tendencies wrote:
I don't deserve it at all, I would just go around killin for no reason. but, awesome job you have done Ryan, thank you sir

suck up <3


Post Count: 0
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 07:05am
To kill non payers :33333



Post Count: 0
Respect: 1350 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 07:23am
cos im a bunny and it would be nice 2 have some stats for a change...:D



Post Count: 294
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 09:12am
Blade wrote:
i would like to apply for the gm space ive been playing these games for many years and know pretty much everything about them im very helpful and know what im talking about ive been gm on a few games before i would like the chance to be one again :)

I know where too, and you where a shit GM. You where made staff and then fucked off..
Don't make him staff..Useless prick

Easter Bunny


Post Count: 0
Respect: 83 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 11:17am
I'd capitalise on the exp I could gain to level up, would save me paying for cides/buying a new account!

KaptaiN DoM


Post Count: 5
Respect: 223 [+] [-]
28 Feb 2013 11:31am
Because i'm Dunbar!! :D <3

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