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Forum >> News and Announcements >> MOTH Mugfest

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[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
27 Jan 2014 09:18pm
I've been given $12,000,000,000 to do a mugfest with.

I'll hold a mugfest if:
-Within the next 24 hours somebody gets over 10k kills in one hour.
-Within 24 hours you all rack up over 100,000 kills between you.

Starting at the 11PM moth (so start killing at 10PM). :up

Meaty Tex


Post Count: 1
Respect: 2023 [+] [-]
27 Jan 2014 09:20pm
do we need both or just one?



Post Count: 0
Respect: 634 [+] [-]
27 Jan 2014 09:20pm
both.. a moth of 10k+ and 100k kills overall



Post Count: 0
Respect: 634 [+] [-]
27 Jan 2014 09:21pm
i think

[ToC] My Name Goes Here


Post Count: 309
Respect: 2403 [+] [-]
27 Jan 2014 09:21pm
... :-r :-r :-r :-r

*edit :
the : -r smily is not displayed properly :o

censorship !!!!



Post Count: 3
Respect: 395 [+] [-]
27 Jan 2014 09:22pm
but i need the 10-11 moth so what the hell im going to do about it :-r

Meaty Tex


Post Count: 1
Respect: 2023 [+] [-]
27 Jan 2014 09:24pm
just get it.

[DG] Akeno Bunny


Post Count: 137
Respect: 2050 [+] [-]
27 Jan 2014 09:58pm
what about the other 10bil?



Post Count: 0
Respect: 1350 [+] [-]
28 Jan 2014 12:13am
other 10 bil?

[DG] Akeno Bunny


Post Count: 137
Respect: 2050 [+] [-]
28 Jan 2014 02:04am
yes luna sent him 22bil for a mugfest haha pete wants to keep half

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
28 Jan 2014 08:02am
She sent me 12bil.

And you only need one, not both.

Meaty Tex


Post Count: 1
Respect: 2023 [+] [-]
28 Jan 2014 12:54pm
tossing up whether to do 10000 for you all. seen as i am yet to get anything from a mugfest. :lol:

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
28 Jan 2014 03:47pm
8 hours left and you've only got 25,167 kills so far. Quarter of the way there!
Unless somebody gets 10k kills -looks at Meaty- you're going to need to average 9355 kills an hour until 11PM.

Looks like it's upto someone to get 10k.



Post Count: 3
Respect: 1343 [+] [-]
28 Jan 2014 11:48pm
The problem with this comp is no one wants to spend the points to get the kills when the mug will probly happen when they are offline.

the comp should be who ever gets the most kills in a day gets 12 billion. or a unique item.



Post Count: 498
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
29 Jan 2014 12:53am
lmao midget you want them to do that so you will get the cash stfu crying bro just do it or not plain as that dumbass just go do what you do best be the shit lmao

Jelly Hunt

Post Count: 19
Respect: 445 [+] [-]
29 Jan 2014 03:26am
just have the mugfest, luna meant for it to be just a mug.

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
29 Jan 2014 09:46am
Megachill wrote:
just have the mugfest, luna meant for it to be just a mug.

She told me to make you work for it, actually. If she meant for it to be just a mug she would have told me to do so. :roll:

Oh, you didn't get 10k or 100k total so there won't be a mug for this.
I'll think of something else.

Meaty Tex


Post Count: 1
Respect: 2023 [+] [-]
30 Jan 2014 10:38am
The problem with this comp is no one wants to spend the points to get the kills when the mug will probly happen when they are offline.

the comp should be who ever gets the most kills in a day gets 12 billion. or a unique item.




Post Count: 294
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
05 Feb 2014 10:03am
Did this end up happening ?

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
05 Feb 2014 03:56pm
MR COLD wrote:
Did this end up happening ?

Nope, neither of the requirements were met.
Just trying to think up of another way you can earn the mug.

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