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Forum >> Off-Topic Chat >> Whats the grossest thing you have ever done...

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CE Bunny FOR SALE 50k MC1 pts


Post Count: 107
Respect: 646 [+] [-]
28 Jan 2014 05:48am
to freak out a friend?

Stoned with friends one night, I was munching into a packet of chocolate maltesers when a cunning plan came to mind, when no one was looking i popped two of them in the waist band if my trousers next to my skin and waited till they melted. then i pretended to fart, and went "öh jesus christ"

I put my hand down the back of my pants and brought up the melted chocolate mess on my hand, looked my friend dead in the eye and ate it

the guy threw up all over himself and freaked when i asked him he if wanted to eat some of it


[tHï] Tayler


Post Count: 8
Respect: 870 [+] [-]
28 Jan 2014 05:49am



Post Count: 294
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
28 Jan 2014 07:58am
CE_Bunny_8pts MOTH wrote:
to freak out a friend?

I put my hand down the back of my pants and brought up the shit mess on my hand, looked my friend dead in the eye and ate it

the guy threw up all over himself and freaked when i asked him he if wanted to eat some of it


This is something Midget does, it is normal for him being on welfare.

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 330 [+] [-]
28 Jan 2014 08:37am
:lol: @ the story.


Post Count: 111
Respect: 58 [+] [-]
05 Feb 2014 04:41pm
That's some funny shit

hurr hurr hurr

Only downside with this story is the amount of faecal bacteria that would have been in the area you placed the chocolate, odds are you ate your shit but hey, that's what your immune system is for.

Aiding and abetting le prank


Post Count: 3
Respect: 60 [+] [-]
05 Mar 2014 07:27pm
Bur your arse is cleaner than your mouth lol

[BBI] EaglesxLegend


Post Count: 156
Respect: -114 [+] [-]
30 Jun 2015 09:31am
Thats pretty funny haha :lol:


Post Count: 3
Respect: 26 [+] [-]
28 May 2018 01:59am
your mum

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